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Albert Clapes, Miguel Reyes, & Sergio Escalera. (2013). Multi-modal User Identification and Object Recognition Surveillance System. PRL - Pattern Recognition Letters, 34(7), 799–808.
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Clementine Decamps, Alexis Arnaud, Florent Petitprez, Mira Ayadi, Aurelia Baures, Lucile Armenoult, et al. (2021). DECONbench: a benchmarking platform dedicated to deconvolution methods for tumor heterogeneity quantification. BMC Bioinformatics, 22, 473.
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Anastasios Doulamis, Nikolaos Doulamis, Marco Bertini, Jordi Gonzalez, & Thomas B. Moeslund. (2016). Introduction to the Special Issue on the Analysis and Retrieval of Events/Actions and Workflows in Video Streams. MTAP - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(22), 14985–14990.
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Reuben Dorent, Aaron Kujawa, Marina Ivory, Spyridon Bakas, Nikola Rieke, Samuel Joutard, et al. (2023). CrossMoDA 2021 challenge: Benchmark of Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation techniques for Vestibular Schwannoma and Cochlea Segmentation. MIA - Medical Image Analysis, 83, 102628.
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Wenlong Deng, Yongli Mou, Takahiro Kashiwa, Sergio Escalera, Kohei Nagai, Kotaro Nakayama, et al. (2020). Vision based Pixel-level Bridge Structural Damage Detection Using a Link ASPP Network. AC - Automation in Construction, 110, 102973.
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