Albert Clapes, Miguel Reyes, & Sergio Escalera. (2013). Multi-modal User Identification and Object Recognition Surveillance System. PRL - Pattern Recognition Letters, 34(7), 799–808.
Abstract: We propose an automatic surveillance system for user identification and object recognition based on multi-modal RGB-Depth data analysis. We model a RGBD environment learning a pixel-based background Gaussian distribution. Then, user and object candidate regions are detected and recognized using robust statistical approaches. The system robustly recognizes users and updates the system in an online way, identifying and detecting new actors in the scene. Moreover, segmented objects are described, matched, recognized, and updated online using view-point 3D descriptions, being robust to partial occlusions and local 3D viewpoint rotations. Finally, the system saves the historic of user–object assignments, being specially useful for surveillance scenarios. The system has been evaluated on a novel data set containing different indoor/outdoor scenarios, objects, and users, showing accurate recognition and better performance than standard state-of-the-art approaches.
Keywords: Multi-modal RGB-Depth data analysis; User identification; Object recognition; Intelligent surveillance; Visual features; Statistical learning
Clementine Decamps, Alexis Arnaud, Florent Petitprez, Mira Ayadi, Aurelia Baures, Lucile Armenoult, et al. (2021). DECONbench: a benchmarking platform dedicated to deconvolution methods for tumor heterogeneity quantification. BMC Bioinformatics, 22, 473.
Abstract: Quantification of tumor heterogeneity is essential to better understand cancer progression and to adapt therapeutic treatments to patient specificities. Bioinformatic tools to assess the different cell populations from single-omic datasets as bulk transcriptome or methylome samples have been recently developed, including reference-based and reference-free methods. Improved methods using multi-omic datasets are yet to be developed in the future and the community would need systematic tools to perform a comparative evaluation of these algorithms on controlled data.
Anastasios Doulamis, Nikolaos Doulamis, Marco Bertini, Jordi Gonzalez, & Thomas B. Moeslund. (2016). Introduction to the Special Issue on the Analysis and Retrieval of Events/Actions and Workflows in Video Streams. MTAP - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(22), 14985–14990.
Reuben Dorent, Aaron Kujawa, Marina Ivory, Spyridon Bakas, Nikola Rieke, Samuel Joutard, et al. (2023). CrossMoDA 2021 challenge: Benchmark of Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation techniques for Vestibular Schwannoma and Cochlea Segmentation. MIA - Medical Image Analysis, 83, 102628.
Abstract: Domain Adaptation (DA) has recently raised strong interests in the medical imaging community. While a large variety of DA techniques has been proposed for image segmentation, most of these techniques have been validated either on private datasets or on small publicly available datasets. Moreover, these datasets mostly addressed single-class problems. To tackle these limitations, the Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation (crossMoDA) challenge was organised in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021). CrossMoDA is the first large and multi-class benchmark for unsupervised cross-modality DA. The challenge's goal is to segment two key brain structures involved in the follow-up and treatment planning of vestibular schwannoma (VS): the VS and the cochleas. Currently, the diagnosis and surveillance in patients with VS are performed using contrast-enhanced T1 (ceT1) MRI. However, there is growing interest in using non-contrast sequences such as high-resolution T2 (hrT2) MRI. Therefore, we created an unsupervised cross-modality segmentation benchmark. The training set provides annotated ceT1 (N=105) and unpaired non-annotated hrT2 (N=105). The aim was to automatically perform unilateral VS and bilateral cochlea segmentation on hrT2 as provided in the testing set (N=137). A total of 16 teams submitted their algorithm for the evaluation phase. The level of performance reached by the top-performing teams is strikingly high (best median Dice – VS:88.4%; Cochleas:85.7%) and close to full supervision (median Dice – VS:92.5%; Cochleas:87.7%). All top-performing methods made use of an image-to-image translation approach to transform the source-domain images into pseudo-target-domain images. A segmentation network was then trained using these generated images and the manual annotations provided for the source image.
Keywords: Domain Adaptation; Segmen tation; Vestibular Schwnannoma
Wenlong Deng, Yongli Mou, Takahiro Kashiwa, Sergio Escalera, Kohei Nagai, Kotaro Nakayama, et al. (2020). Vision based Pixel-level Bridge Structural Damage Detection Using a Link ASPP Network. AC - Automation in Construction, 110, 102973.
Abstract: Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has greatly benefited from computer vision. Recently, deep learning approaches are widely used to accurately estimate the state of deterioration of infrastructure. In this work, we focus on the problem of bridge surface structural damage detection, such as delamination and rebar exposure. It is well known that the quality of a deep learning model is highly dependent on the quality of the training dataset. Bridge damage detection, our application domain, has the following main challenges: (i) labeling the damages requires knowledgeable civil engineering professionals, which makes it difficult to collect a large annotated dataset; (ii) the damage area could be very small, whereas the background area is large, which creates an unbalanced training environment; (iii) due to the difficulty to exactly determine the extension of the damage, there is often a variation among different labelers who perform pixel-wise labeling. In this paper, we propose a novel model for bridge structural damage detection to address the first two challenges. This paper follows the idea of an atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) module that is designed as a novel network for bridge damage detection. Further, we introduce the weight balanced Intersection over Union (IoU) loss function to achieve accurate segmentation on a highly unbalanced small dataset. The experimental results show that (i) the IoU loss function improves the overall performance of damage detection, as compared to cross entropy loss or focal loss, and (ii) the proposed model has a better ability to detect a minority class than other light segmentation networks.
Keywords: Semantic image segmentation; Deep learning