Oriol Pujol, & Petia Radeva. (2004). Texture Segmentation by Statistical Deformable Models. IJIG - International Journal of Image and Graphics, 433–452.
Abstract: Deformable models have received much popularity due to their ability to include high-level knowledge on the application domain into low-level image processing. Still, most proposed active contour models do not sufficiently profit from the application information and they are too generalized, leading to non-optimal final results of segmentation, tracking or 3D reconstruction processes. In this paper we propose a new deformable model defined in a statistical framework to segment objects of natural scenes. We perform a supervised learning of local appearance of the textured objects and construct a feature space using a set of co-occurrence matrix measures. Linear Discriminant Analysis allows us to obtain an optimal reduced feature space where a mixture model is applied to construct a likelihood map. Instead of using a heuristic potential field, our active model is deformed on a regularized version of the likelihood map in order to segment objects characterized by the same texture pattern. Different tests on synthetic images, natural scene and medical images show the advantages of our statistic deformable model.
Keywords: Texture segmentation, parametric active contours, statistic snakes
Anders Skaarup Johansen, Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera, & Thomas B. Moeslund. (2023). Who Cares about the Weather? Inferring Weather Conditions for Weather-Aware Object Detection in Thermal Images. AS - Applied Sciences, 13(18).
Abstract: Deployments of real-world object detection systems often experience a degradation in performance over time due to concept drift. Systems that leverage thermal cameras are especially susceptible because the respective thermal signatures of objects and their surroundings are highly sensitive to environmental changes. In this study, two types of weather-aware latent conditioning methods are investigated. The proposed method aims to guide two object detectors, (YOLOv5 and Deformable DETR) to become weather-aware. This is achieved by leveraging an auxiliary branch that predicts weather-related information while conditioning intermediate layers of the object detector. While the conditioning methods proposed do not directly improve the accuracy of baseline detectors, it can be observed that conditioned networks manage to extract a weather-related signal from the thermal images, thus resulting in a decreased miss rate at the cost of increased false positives. The extracted signal appears noisy and is thus challenging to regress accurately. This is most likely a result of the qualitative nature of the thermal sensor; thus, further work is needed to identify an ideal method for optimizing the conditioning branch, as well as to further improve the accuracy of the system.
Keywords: thermal; object detection; concept drift; conditioning; weather recognition
Meysam Madadi, Sergio Escalera, Xavier Baro, & Jordi Gonzalez. (2022). End-to-end Global to Local CNN Learning for Hand Pose Recovery in Depth data. IETCV - IET Computer Vision, 16(1), 50–66.
Abstract: Despite recent advances in 3D pose estimation of human hands, especially thanks to the advent of CNNs and depth cameras, this task is still far from being solved. This is mainly due to the highly non-linear dynamics of fingers, which make hand model training a challenging task. In this paper, we exploit a novel hierarchical tree-like structured CNN, in which branches are trained to become specialized in predefined subsets of hand joints, called local poses. We further fuse local pose features, extracted from hierarchical CNN branches, to learn higher order dependencies among joints in the final pose by end-to-end training. Lastly, the loss function used is also defined to incorporate appearance and physical constraints about doable hand motion and deformation. Finally, we introduce a non-rigid data augmentation approach to increase the amount of training depth data. Experimental results suggest that feeding a tree-shaped CNN, specialized in local poses, into a fusion network for modeling joints correlations and dependencies, helps to increase the precision of final estimations, outperforming state-of-the-art results on NYU and SyntheticHand datasets.
Keywords: Computer vision; data acquisition; human computer interaction; learning (artificial intelligence); pose estimation
Reuben Dorent, Aaron Kujawa, Marina Ivory, Spyridon Bakas, Nikola Rieke, Samuel Joutard, et al. (2023). CrossMoDA 2021 challenge: Benchmark of Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation techniques for Vestibular Schwannoma and Cochlea Segmentation. MIA - Medical Image Analysis, 83, 102628.
Abstract: Domain Adaptation (DA) has recently raised strong interests in the medical imaging community. While a large variety of DA techniques has been proposed for image segmentation, most of these techniques have been validated either on private datasets or on small publicly available datasets. Moreover, these datasets mostly addressed single-class problems. To tackle these limitations, the Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation (crossMoDA) challenge was organised in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021). CrossMoDA is the first large and multi-class benchmark for unsupervised cross-modality DA. The challenge's goal is to segment two key brain structures involved in the follow-up and treatment planning of vestibular schwannoma (VS): the VS and the cochleas. Currently, the diagnosis and surveillance in patients with VS are performed using contrast-enhanced T1 (ceT1) MRI. However, there is growing interest in using non-contrast sequences such as high-resolution T2 (hrT2) MRI. Therefore, we created an unsupervised cross-modality segmentation benchmark. The training set provides annotated ceT1 (N=105) and unpaired non-annotated hrT2 (N=105). The aim was to automatically perform unilateral VS and bilateral cochlea segmentation on hrT2 as provided in the testing set (N=137). A total of 16 teams submitted their algorithm for the evaluation phase. The level of performance reached by the top-performing teams is strikingly high (best median Dice – VS:88.4%; Cochleas:85.7%) and close to full supervision (median Dice – VS:92.5%; Cochleas:87.7%). All top-performing methods made use of an image-to-image translation approach to transform the source-domain images into pseudo-target-domain images. A segmentation network was then trained using these generated images and the manual annotations provided for the source image.
Keywords: Domain Adaptation; Segmen tation; Vestibular Schwnannoma
Sergio Escalera, R. M. Martinez, Jordi Vitria, Petia Radeva, & Maria Teresa Anguera. (2010). Deteccion automatica de la dominancia en conversaciones diadicas. EP - Escritos de Psicologia, 3(2), 41–45.
Abstract: Dominance is referred to the level of influence that a person has in a conversation. Dominance is an important research area in social psychology, but the problem of its automatic estimation is a very recent topic in the contexts of social and wearable computing. In this paper, we focus on the dominance detection of visual cues. We estimate the correlation among observers by categorizing the dominant people in a set of face-to-face conversations. Different dominance indicators from gestural communication are defined, manually annotated, and compared to the observers' opinion. Moreover, these indicators are automatically extracted from video sequences and learnt by using binary classifiers. Results from the three analyses showed a high correlation and allows the categorization of dominant people in public discussion video sequences.
Keywords: Dominance detection; Non-verbal communication; Visual features