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Daniel Sanchez, Miguel Angel Bautista, & Sergio Escalera. (2015). HuPBA 8k+: Dataset and ECOC-GraphCut based Segmentation of Human Limbs. NEUCOM - Neurocomputing, 150(A), 173–188.
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Miguel Angel Bautista, Antonio Hernandez, Sergio Escalera, Laura Igual, Oriol Pujol, Josep Moya, et al. (2016). A Gesture Recognition System for Detecting Behavioral Patterns of ADHD. TSMCB - IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 46(1), 136–147.
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Meysam Madadi, Sergio Escalera, Jordi Gonzalez, Xavier Roca, & Felipe Lumbreras. (2015). Multi-part body segmentation based on depth maps for soft biometry analysis. PRL - Pattern Recognition Letters, 56, 14–21.
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Frederic Sampedro, Anna Domenech, Sergio Escalera, & Ignasi Carrio. (2015). Deriving global quantitative tumor response parameters from 18F-FDG PET-CT scans in patients with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. NMC - Nuclear Medicine Communications, 36(4), 328–333.
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Frederic Sampedro, Sergio Escalera, Anna Domenech, & Ignasi Carrio. (2014). A computational framework for cancer response assessment based on oncological PET-CT scans. CBM - Computers in Biology and Medicine, 55, 92–99.
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