Frederic Sampedro, & Sergio Escalera. (2015). Spatial codification of label predictions in Multi-scale Stacked Sequential Learning: A case study on multi-class medical volume segmentation. IETCV - IET Computer Vision, 9(3), 439–446.
Abstract: In this study, the authors propose the spatial codification of label predictions within the multi-scale stacked sequential learning (MSSL) framework, a successful learning scheme to deal with non-independent identically distributed data entries. After providing a motivation for this objective, they describe its theoretical framework based on the introduction of the blurred shape model as a smart descriptor to codify the spatial distribution of the predicted labels and define the new extended feature set for the second stacked classifier. They then particularise this scheme to be applied in volume segmentation applications. Finally, they test the implementation of the proposed framework in two medical volume segmentation datasets, obtaining significant performance improvements (with a 95% of confidence) in comparison to standard Adaboost classifier and classical MSSL approaches.
Huamin Ren, Nattiya Kanhabua, Andreas Mogelmose, Weifeng Liu, Kaustubh Kulkarni, Sergio Escalera, et al. (2018). Back-dropout Transfer Learning for Action Recognition. IETCV - IET Computer Vision, 12(4), 484–491.
Abstract: Transfer learning aims at adapting a model learned from source dataset to target dataset. It is a beneficial approach especially when annotating on the target dataset is expensive or infeasible. Transfer learning has demonstrated its powerful learning capabilities in various vision tasks. Despite transfer learning being a promising approach, it is still an open question how to adapt the model learned from the source dataset to the target dataset. One big challenge is to prevent the impact of category bias on classification performance. Dataset bias exists when two images from the same category, but from different datasets, are not classified as the same. To address this problem, a transfer learning algorithm has been proposed, called negative back-dropout transfer learning (NB-TL), which utilizes images that have been misclassified and further performs back-dropout strategy on them to penalize errors. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In particular, the authors evaluate the performance of the proposed NB-TL algorithm on UCF 101 action recognition dataset, achieving 88.9% recognition rate.
Keywords: Learning (artificial intelligence); Pattern Recognition
Mohamed Ilyes Lakhal, Hakan Çevikalp, Sergio Escalera, & Ferda Ofli. (2018). Recurrent Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Image Classification. IETCV - IET Computer Vision, 12(7), 1040–1045.
Abstract: Automatically classifying an image has been a central problem in computer vision for decades. A plethora of models has been proposed, from handcrafted feature solutions to more sophisticated approaches such as deep learning. The authors address the problem of remote sensing image classification, which is an important problem to many real world applications. They introduce a novel deep recurrent architecture that incorporates high-level feature descriptors to tackle this challenging problem. Their solution is based on the general encoder–decoder framework. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to use a recurrent network structure on this task. The experimental results show that the proposed framework outperforms the previous works in the three datasets widely used in the literature. They have achieved a state-of-the-art accuracy rate of 97.29% on the UC Merced dataset.
Meysam Madadi, Sergio Escalera, Xavier Baro, & Jordi Gonzalez. (2022). End-to-end Global to Local CNN Learning for Hand Pose Recovery in Depth data. IETCV - IET Computer Vision, 16(1), 50–66.
Abstract: Despite recent advances in 3D pose estimation of human hands, especially thanks to the advent of CNNs and depth cameras, this task is still far from being solved. This is mainly due to the highly non-linear dynamics of fingers, which make hand model training a challenging task. In this paper, we exploit a novel hierarchical tree-like structured CNN, in which branches are trained to become specialized in predefined subsets of hand joints, called local poses. We further fuse local pose features, extracted from hierarchical CNN branches, to learn higher order dependencies among joints in the final pose by end-to-end training. Lastly, the loss function used is also defined to incorporate appearance and physical constraints about doable hand motion and deformation. Finally, we introduce a non-rigid data augmentation approach to increase the amount of training depth data. Experimental results suggest that feeding a tree-shaped CNN, specialized in local poses, into a fusion network for modeling joints correlations and dependencies, helps to increase the precision of final estimations, outperforming state-of-the-art results on NYU and SyntheticHand datasets.
Keywords: Computer vision; data acquisition; human computer interaction; learning (artificial intelligence); pose estimation
Francesco Ciompi, Oriol Pujol, Carlo Gatta, Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, J. Mauri, & Petia Radeva. (2010). Fusing in-vitro and in-vivo intravascular ultrasound data for plaque characterization. IJCI - International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 26(7), 763–779.
Abstract: Accurate detection of in-vivo vulnerable plaque in coronary arteries is still an open problem. Recent studies show that it is highly related to tissue structure and composition. Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) is a powerful imaging technique that gives a detailed cross-sectional image of the vessel, allowing to explore arteries morphology. IVUS data validation is usually performed by comparing post-mortem (in-vitro) IVUS data and corresponding histological analysis of the tissue. The main drawback of this method is the few number of available case studies and validated data due to the complex procedure of histological analysis of the tissue. On the other hand, IVUS data from in-vivo cases is easy to obtain but it can not be histologically validated. In this work, we propose to enhance the in-vitro training data set by selectively including examples from in-vivo plaques. For this purpose, a Sequential Floating Forward Selection method is reformulated in the context of plaque characterization. The enhanced classifier performance is validated on in-vitro data set, yielding an overall accuracy of 91.59% in discriminating among fibrotic, lipidic and calcified plaques, while reducing the gap between in-vivo and in-vitro data analysis. Experimental results suggest that the obtained classifier could be properly applied on in-vivo plaque characterization and also demonstrate that the common hypothesis of assuming the difference between in-vivo and in-vitro as negligible is incorrect.