Agnes Borras and Josep Llados. 2005. Object Image Retrieval by Shape Content in Complex Scenes Using Geometric Constraints. Pattern Recognition And Image Analysis. Springer Link, 325–332.
Abstract: This paper presents an image retrieval system based on 2D shape information. Query shape objects and database images are repre- sented by polygonal approximations of their contours. Afterwards they are encoded, using geometric features, in terms of predefined structures. Shapes are then located in database images by a voting procedure on the spatial domain. Then an alignment matching provides a probability value to rank de database image in the retrieval result. The method al- lows to detect a query object in database images even when they contain complex scenes. Also the shape matching tolerates partial occlusions and affine transformations as translation, rotation or scaling.
Ernest Valveny and Philippe Dosch. 2004. Performance Evaluation of Symbol Recognition. In S. Marinai, A.D.(E.),, ed. Document Analysis Systems.354–365.
Agnes Borras, Francesc Tous, Josep Llados and Maria Vanrell. 2003. High-Level Clothes Description Based on Colour-Texture and Structural Features. 1rst. Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis IbPRIA 2003.108–116. (LNCS.)
Abstract: ecture Notes in Computer Science 2652 108–116
Francesc Tous, Agnes Borras, Robert Benavente, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell and Josep Llados. 2002. Textual Descriptions for Browsing People by Visual Apperance. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer Verlag, 419–429.
Abstract: This paper presents a first approach to build colour and structural descriptors for information retrieval on a people database. Queries are formulated in terms of their appearance that allows to seek people wearing specific clothes of a given colour name or texture. Descriptors are automatically computed by following three essential steps. A colour naming labelling from pixel properties. A region seg- mentation step based on colour properties of pixels combined with edge information. And a high level step that models the region arrangements in order to build clothes structure. Results are tested on large set of images from real scenes taken at the entrance desk of a building
Josep Llados, Ernest Valveny, Gemma Sanchez and Enric Marti. 2002. Symbol recognition: current advances and perspectives. In Dorothea Blostein and Young- Bin Kwon, ed. Graphics Recognition Algorithms And Applications. Springer-Verlag, 104–128. (LNCS.)
Abstract: The recognition of symbols in graphic documents is an intensive research activity in the community of pattern recognition and document analysis. A key issue in the interpretation of maps, engineering drawings, diagrams, etc. is the recognition of domain dependent symbols according to a symbol database. In this work we first review the most outstanding symbol recognition methods from two different points of view: application domains and pattern recognition methods. In the second part of the paper, open and unaddressed problems involved in symbol recognition are described, analyzing their current state of art and discussing future research challenges. Thus, issues such as symbol representation, matching, segmentation, learning, scalability of recognition methods and performance evaluation are addressed in this work. Finally, we discuss the perspectives of symbol recognition concerning to new paradigms such as user interfaces in handheld computers or document database and WWW indexing by graphical content.
Ernest Valveny and Enric Marti. 2000. Deformable Template Matching within a Bayesian Framework for Hand-Written Graphic Symbol Recognition. Graphics Recognition Recent Advances, 1941, 193–208.
Abstract: We describe a method for hand-drawn symbol recognition based on deformable template matching able to handle uncertainty and imprecision inherent to hand-drawing. Symbols are represented as a set of straight lines and their deformations as geometric transformations of these lines. Matching, however, is done over the original binary image to avoid loss of information during line detection. It is defined as an energy minimization problem, using a Bayesian framework which allows to combine fidelity to ideal shape of the symbol and flexibility to modify the symbol in order to get the best fit to the binary input image. Prior to matching, we find the best global transformation of the symbol to start the recognition process, based on the distance between symbol lines and image lines. We have applied this method to the recognition of dimensions and symbols in architectural floor plans and we show its flexibility to recognize distorted symbols.
Josep Llados, Gemma Sanchez and Enric Marti. 1997. A String-Based Method to Recognize Symbols and Structural Textures in Architectural Plans. Graphics Recognition Algorithms and Systems. GREC 1997..91–103. (LNCS.)
Josep Llados, Gemma Sanchez and Enric Marti. 1998. A string based method to recognize symbols and structural textures in architectural plans. Graphics Recognition Algorithms and Systems Second International Workshop, GREC' 97 Nancy, France, August 22–23, 1997 Selected Papers. Springer Link, 91–103. (LNCS.)
Abstract: This paper deals with the recognition of symbols and structural textures in architectural plans using string matching techniques. A plan is represented by an attributed graph whose nodes represent characteristic points and whose edges represent segments. Symbols and textures can be seen as a set of regions, i.e. closed loops in the graph, with a particular arrangement. The search for a symbol involves a graph matching between the regions of a model graph and the regions of the graph representing the document. Discriminating a texture means a clustering of neighbouring regions of this graph. Both procedures involve a similarity measure between graph regions. A string codification is used to represent the sequence of outlining edges of a region. Thus, the similarity between two regions is defined in terms of the string edit distance between their boundary strings. The use of string matching allows the recognition method to work also under presence of distortion.
Thanh Ha Do, Salvatore Tabbone and Oriol Ramos Terrades. 2016. Spotting Symbol over Graphical Documents Via Sparsity in Visual Vocabulary. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition.
Sounak Dey and 6 others. 2017. Script independent approach for multi-oriented text detection in scene image. NEUCOM, 242, 96–112.
Abstract: Developing a text detection method which is invariant to scripts in natural scene images is a challeng- ing task due to different geometrical structures of various scripts. Besides, multi-oriented of text lines in natural scene images make the problem more challenging. This paper proposes to explore ring radius transform (RRT) for text detection in multi-oriented and multi-script environments. The method finds component regions based on convex hull to generate radius matrices using RRT. It is a fact that RRT pro- vides low radius values for the pixels that are near to edges, constant radius values for the pixels that represent stroke width, and high radius values that represent holes created in background and convex hull because of the regular structures of text components. We apply k -means clustering on the radius matrices to group such spatially coherent regions into individual clusters. Then the proposed method studies the radius values of such cluster components that are close to the centroid and far from the cen- troid to detect text components. Furthermore, we have developed a Bangla dataset (named as ISI-UM dataset) and propose a semi-automatic system for generating its ground truth for text detection of arbi- trary orientations, which can be used by the researchers for text detection and recognition in the future. The ground truth will be released to public. Experimental results on our ISI-UM data and other standard datasets, namely, ICDAR 2013 scene, SVT and MSRA data, show that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods in terms of multi-lingual and multi-oriented text detection ability.