Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Jean-Yves Ramel, Josep Llados and Thierry Brouard. 2011. Subgraph Spotting Through Explicit Graph Embedding: An Application to Content Spotting in Graphic Document Images. 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.870–874.
Abstract: We present a method for spotting a subgraph in a graph repository. Subgraph spotting is a very interesting research problem for various application domains where the use of a relational data structure is mandatory. Our proposed method accomplishes subgraph spotting through graph embedding. We achieve automatic indexation of a graph repository during off-line learning phase, where we (i) break the graphs into 2-node sub graphs (a.k.a. cliques of order 2), which are primitive building-blocks of a graph, (ii) embed the 2-node sub graphs into feature vectors by employing our recently proposed explicit graph embedding technique, (iii) cluster the feature vectors in classes by employing a classic agglomerative clustering technique, (iv) build an index for the graph repository and (v) learn a Bayesian network classifier. The subgraph spotting is achieved during the on-line querying phase, where we (i) break the query graph into 2-node sub graphs, (ii) embed them into feature vectors, (iii) employ the Bayesian network classifier for classifying the query 2-node sub graphs and (iv) retrieve the respective graphs by looking-up in the index of the graph repository. The graphs containing all query 2-node sub graphs form the set of result graphs for the query. Finally, we employ the adjacency matrix of each result graph along with a score function, for spotting the query graph in it. The proposed subgraph spotting method is equally applicable to a wide range of domains, offering ease of query by example (QBE) and granularity of focused retrieval. Experimental results are presented for graphs generated from two repositories of electronic and architectural document images.
Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Jean-Yves Ramel, Josep Llados and Thierry Brouard. 2013. Fuzzy Multilevel Graph Embedding. PR, 46(2), 551–565.
Abstract: Structural pattern recognition approaches offer the most expressive, convenient, powerful but computational expensive representations of underlying relational information. To benefit from mature, less expensive and efficient state-of-the-art machine learning models of statistical pattern recognition they must be mapped to a low-dimensional vector space. Our method of explicit graph embedding bridges the gap between structural and statistical pattern recognition. We extract the topological, structural and attribute information from a graph and encode numeric details by fuzzy histograms and symbolic details by crisp histograms. The histograms are concatenated to achieve a simple and straightforward embedding of graph into a low-dimensional numeric feature vector. Experimentation on standard public graph datasets shows that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods of graph embedding for richly attributed graphs.
Keywords: Pattern recognition; Graphics recognition; Graph clustering; Graph classification; Explicit graph embedding; Fuzzy logic
Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Josep Llados, Jean-Yves Ramel and Thierry Brouard. 2010. A Fuzzy-Interval Based Approach For Explicit Graph Embedding, Recognizing Patterns in Signals, Speech, Images and Video. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Springer, Heidelberg, 93–98. (LNCS.)
Abstract: We present a new method for explicit graph embedding. Our algorithm extracts a feature vector for an undirected attributed graph. The proposed feature vector encodes details about the number of nodes, number of edges, node degrees, the attributes of nodes and the attributes of edges in the graph. The first two features are for the number of nodes and the number of edges. These are followed by w features for node degrees, m features for k node attributes and n features for l edge attributes — which represent the distribution of node degrees, node attribute values and edge attribute values, and are obtained by defining (in an unsupervised fashion), fuzzy-intervals over the list of node degrees, node attributes and edge attributes. Experimental results are provided for sample data of ICPR2010 contest GEPR.
Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Thierry Brouard, Jean-Yves Ramel and Josep Llados. 2012. Recherche de sous-graphes par encapsulation floue des cliques d'ordre 2: Application à la localisation de contenu dans les images de documents graphiques. Colloque International Francophone sur l'Écrit et le Document.149–162.
Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Thierry Brouard, Jean-Yves Ramel and Josep Llados. 2010. Vers une approche foue of encapsulation de graphes: application a la reconnaissance de symboles. Colloque International Francophone sur l'Écrit et le Document.169–184.
Abstract: We present a new methodology for symbol recognition, by employing a structural approach for representing visual associations in symbols and a statistical classifier for recognition. A graphic symbol is vectorized, its topological and geometrical details are encoded by an attributed relational graph and a signature is computed for it. Data adapted fuzzy intervals have been introduced for addressing the sensitivity of structural representations to noise. The joint probability distribution of signatures is encoded by a Bayesian network, which serves as a mechanism for pruning irrelevant features and choosing a subset of interesting features from structural signatures of underlying symbol set, and is deployed in a supervised learning scenario for recognizing query symbols. Experimental results on pre-segmented 2D linear architectural and electronic symbols from GREC databases are presented.
Keywords: Fuzzy interval; Graph embedding; Bayesian network; Symbol recognition
Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Thierry Brouard, Jean-Yves Ramel and Josep Llados. 2010. A Content Spotting System For Line Drawing Graphic Document Images. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.3420–3423.
Abstract: We present a content spotting system for line drawing graphic document images. The proposed system is sufficiently domain independent and takes the keyword based information retrieval for graphic documents, one step forward, to Query By Example (QBE) and focused retrieval. During offline learning mode: we vectorize the documents in the repository, represent them by attributed relational graphs, extract regions of interest (ROIs) from them, convert each ROI to a fuzzy structural signature, cluster similar signatures to form ROI classes and build an index for the repository. During online querying mode: a Bayesian network classifier recognizes the ROIs in the query image and the corresponding documents are fetched by looking up in the repository index. Experimental results are presented for synthetic images of architectural and electronic documents.
N. Nayef and 14 others. 2017. ICDAR2017 Robust Reading Challenge on Multi-Lingual Scene Text Detection and Script Identification – RRC-MLT. 14th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.1454–1459.
Abstract: Text detection and recognition in a natural environment are key components of many applications, ranging from business card digitization to shop indexation in a street. This competition aims at assessing the ability of state-of-the-art methods to detect Multi-Lingual Text (MLT) in scene images, such as in contents gathered from the Internet media and in modern cities where multiple cultures live and communicate together. This competition is an extension of the Robust Reading Competition (RRC) which has been held since 2003 both in ICDAR and in an online context. The proposed competition is presented as a new challenge of the RRC. The dataset built for this challenge largely extends the previous RRC editions in many aspects: the multi-lingual text, the size of the dataset, the multi-oriented text, the wide variety of scenes. The dataset is comprised of 18,000 images which contain text belonging to 9 languages. The challenge is comprised of three tasks related to text detection and script classification. We have received a total of 16 participations from the research and industrial communities. This paper presents the dataset, the tasks and the findings of this RRC-MLT challenge.
N. Serrano, L. Tarazon, D. Perez, Oriol Ramos Terrades and S. Juan. 2010. The GIDOC Prototype. 10th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems.82–89.
Abstract: Transcription of handwritten text in (old) documents is an important, time-consuming task for digital libraries. It might be carried out by first processing all document images off-line, and then manually supervising system transcriptions to edit incorrect parts. However, current techniques for automatic page layout analysis, text line detection and handwriting recognition are still far from perfect, and thus post-editing system output is not clearly better than simply ignoring it.
A more effective approach to transcribe old text documents is to follow an interactive- predictive paradigm in which both, the system is guided by the user, and the user is assisted by the system to complete the transcription task as efficiently as possible. Following this approach, a system prototype called GIDOC (Gimp-based Interactive transcription of old text DOCuments) has been developed to provide user-friendly, integrated support for interactive-predictive layout analysis, line detection and handwriting transcription.
GIDOC is designed to work with (large) collections of homogeneous documents, that is, of similar structure and writing styles. They are annotated sequentially, by (par- tially) supervising hypotheses drawn from statistical models that are constantly updated with an increasing number of available annotated documents. And this is done at different annotation levels. For instance, at the level of page layout analysis, GIDOC uses a novel text block detection method in which conventional, memoryless techniques are improved with a “history” model of text block positions. Similarly, at the level of text line image transcription, GIDOC includes a handwriting recognizer which is steadily improved with a growing number of (partially) supervised transcriptions.
N. Zakaria, Jean-Marc Ogier and Josep Llados. 2005. On-line Graphics Recognition based on Invariant Spatio-Sequential Descriptor: Fuzzy Matrix.
N. Zakaria, Jean-Marc Ogier and Josep Llados. 2006. The Fuzzy-Spatial Descriptor for the Online Graphic Recognition: Overlapping Matrix Algorithm. 7th International Workshop, Document Analysis Systems VII (DAS´06), LNCS 3872: 616–627.