Souhail Bakkali and 6 others. 2023. TransferDoc: A Self-Supervised Transferable Document Representation Learning Model Unifying Vision and Language.
Abstract: The field of visual document understanding has witnessed a rapid growth in emerging challenges and powerful multi-modal strategies. However, they rely on an extensive amount of document data to learn their pretext objectives in a ``pre-train-then-fine-tune'' paradigm and thus, suffer a significant performance drop in real-world online industrial settings. One major reason is the over-reliance on OCR engines to extract local positional information within a document page. Therefore, this hinders the model's generalizability, flexibility and robustness due to the lack of capturing global information within a document image. We introduce TransferDoc, a cross-modal transformer-based architecture pre-trained in a self-supervised fashion using three novel pretext objectives. TransferDoc learns richer semantic concepts by unifying language and visual representations, which enables the production of more transferable models. Besides, two novel downstream tasks have been introduced for a ``closer-to-real'' industrial evaluation scenario where TransferDoc outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches.
Sophie Wuerger, Kaida Xiao, Dimitris Mylonas, Q. Huang, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Galina Paramei. 2012. Blue green color categorization in mandarin english speakers. JOSA A, 29(2), A102–A1207.
Abstract: Observers are faster to detect a target among a set of distracters if the targets and distracters come from different color categories. This cross-boundary advantage seems to be limited to the right visual field, which is consistent with the dominance of the left hemisphere for language processing [Gilbert et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 489 (2006)]. Here we study whether a similar visual field advantage is found in the color identification task in speakers of Mandarin, a language that uses a logographic system. Forty late Mandarin-English bilinguals performed a blue-green color categorization task, in a blocked design, in their first language (L1: Mandarin) or second language (L2: English). Eleven color singletons ranging from blue to green were presented for 160 ms, randomly in the left visual field (LVF) or right visual field (RVF). Color boundary and reaction times (RTs) at the color boundary were estimated in L1 and L2, for both visual fields. We found that the color boundary did not differ between the languages; RTs at the color boundary, however, were on average more than 100 ms shorter in the English compared to the Mandarin sessions, but only when the stimuli were presented in the RVF. The finding may be explained by the script nature of the two languages: Mandarin logographic characters are analyzed visuospatially in the right hemisphere, which conceivably facilitates identification of color presented to the LVF.
Sophie Wuerger, Kaida Xiao, Chenyang Fu and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2010. Colour-opponent mechanisms are not affected by age-related chromatic sensitivity changes. OPO, 30(5), 635–659.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess whether age-related chromatic sensitivity changes are associated with corresponding changes in hue perception in a large sample of colour-normal observers over a wide age range (n = 185; age range: 18-75 years). In these observers we determined both the sensitivity along the protan, deutan and tritan line; and settings for the four unique hues, from which the characteristics of the higher-order colour mechanisms can be derived. We found a significant decrease in chromatic sensitivity due to ageing, in particular along the tritan line. From the unique hue settings we derived the cone weightings associated with the colour mechanisms that are at equilibrium for the four unique hues. We found that the relative cone weightings (w(L) /w(M) and w(L) /w(S)) associated with the unique hues were independent of age. Our results are consistent with previous findings that the unique hues are rather constant with age while chromatic sensitivity declines. They also provide evidence in favour of the hypothesis that higher-order colour mechanisms are equipped with flexible cone weightings, as opposed to fixed weights. The mechanism underlying this compensation is still poorly understood.
Sergio Escalera, Alicia Fornes, Oriol Pujol and Petia Radeva. 2009. Multi-class Binary Symbol Classification with Circular Blurred Shape Models. 15th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1005–1014. (LNCS.)
Abstract: Multi-class binary symbol classification requires the use of rich descriptors and robust classifiers. Shape representation is a difficult task because of several symbol distortions, such as occlusions, elastic deformations, gaps or noise. In this paper, we present the Circular Blurred Shape Model descriptor. This descriptor encodes the arrangement information of object parts in a correlogram structure. A prior blurring degree defines the level of distortion allowed to the symbol. Moreover, we learn the new feature space using a set of Adaboost classifiers, which are combined in the Error-Correcting Output Codes framework to deal with the multi-class categorization problem. The presented work has been validated over different multi-class data sets, and compared to the state-of-the-art descriptors, showing significant performance improvements.
Sergio Escalera, Alicia Fornes, Oriol Pujol, Josep Llados and Petia Radeva. 2007. Multi-class Binary Object Categorization using Blurred Shape Models. Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications, 12th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern.773–782. (LCNS.)
Sergio Escalera, Alicia Fornes, Oriol Pujol, Josep Llados and Petia Radeva. 2011. Circular Blurred Shape Model for Multiclass Symbol Recognition. TSMCB, 41(2), 497–506.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a circular blurred shape model descriptor to deal with the problem of symbol detection and classification as a particular case of object recognition. The feature extraction is performed by capturing the spatial arrangement of significant object characteristics in a correlogram structure. The shape information from objects is shared among correlogram regions, where a prior blurring degree defines the level of distortion allowed in the symbol, making the descriptor tolerant to irregular deformations. Moreover, the descriptor is rotation invariant by definition. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed descriptor in both the multiclass symbol recognition and symbol detection domains. In order to perform the symbol detection, the descriptors are learned using a cascade of classifiers. In the case of multiclass categorization, the new feature space is learned using a set of binary classifiers which are embedded in an error-correcting output code design. The results over four symbol data sets show the significant improvements of the proposed descriptor compared to the state-of-the-art descriptors. In particular, the results are even more significant in those cases where the symbols suffer from elastic deformations.
Sergio Escalera, Alicia Fornes, Oriol Pujol, Alberto Escudero and Petia Radeva. 2009. Circular Blurred Shape Model for Symbol Spotting in Documents. 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing.1985–1988.
Abstract: Symbol spotting problem requires feature extraction strategies able to generalize from training samples and to localize the target object while discarding most part of the image. In the case of document analysis, symbol spotting techniques have to deal with a high variability of symbols' appearance. In this paper, we propose the Circular Blurred Shape Model descriptor. Feature extraction is performed capturing the spatial arrangement of significant object characteristics in a correlogram structure. Shape information from objects is shared among correlogram regions, being tolerant to the irregular deformations. Descriptors are learnt using a cascade of classifiers and Abadoost as the base classifier. Finally, symbol spotting is performed by means of a windowing strategy using the learnt cascade over plan and old musical score documents. Spotting and multi-class categorization results show better performance comparing with the state-of-the-art descriptors.
Sergio Escalera, Alicia Fornes, O. Pujol, Petia Radeva, Gemma Sanchez and Josep Llados. 2009. Blurred Shape Model for Binary and Grey-level Symbol Recognition. PRL, 30(15), 1424–1433.
Abstract: Many symbol recognition problems require the use of robust descriptors in order to obtain rich information of the data. However, the research of a good descriptor is still an open issue due to the high variability of symbols appearance. Rotation, partial occlusions, elastic deformations, intra-class and inter-class variations, or high variability among symbols due to different writing styles, are just a few problems. In this paper, we introduce a symbol shape description to deal with the changes in appearance that these types of symbols suffer. The shape of the symbol is aligned based on principal components to make the recognition invariant to rotation and reflection. Then, we present the Blurred Shape Model descriptor (BSM), where new features encode the probability of appearance of each pixel that outlines the symbols shape. Moreover, we include the new descriptor in a system to deal with multi-class symbol categorization problems. Adaboost is used to train the binary classifiers, learning the BSM features that better split symbol classes. Then, the binary problems are embedded in an Error-Correcting Output Codes framework (ECOC) to deal with the multi-class case. The methodology is evaluated on different synthetic and real data sets. State-of-the-art descriptors and classifiers are compared, showing the robustness and better performance of the present scheme to classify symbols with high variability of appearance.
Sergi Garcia Bordils and 6 others. 2022. Read While You Drive-Multilingual Text Tracking on the Road. 15th IAPR International workshop on document analysis systems.756–770. (LNCS.)
Abstract: Visual data obtained during driving scenarios usually contain large amounts of text that conveys semantic information necessary to analyse the urban environment and is integral to the traffic control plan. Yet, research on autonomous driving or driver assistance systems typically ignores this information. To advance research in this direction, we present RoadText-3K, a large driving video dataset with fully annotated text. RoadText-3K is three times bigger than its predecessor and contains data from varied geographical locations, unconstrained driving conditions and multiple languages and scripts. We offer a comprehensive analysis of tracking by detection and detection by tracking methods exploring the limits of state-of-the-art text detection. Finally, we propose a new end-to-end trainable tracking model that yields state-of-the-art results on this challenging dataset. Our experiments demonstrate the complexity and variability of RoadText-3K and establish a new, realistic benchmark for scene text tracking in the wild.
Sergi Garcia Bordils, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Marçal Rusiñol. 2023. Accelerating Transformer-Based Scene Text Detection and Recognition via Token Pruning. 17th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.106–121. (LNCS.)
Abstract: Scene text detection and recognition is a crucial task in computer vision with numerous real-world applications. Transformer-based approaches are behind all current state-of-the-art models and have achieved excellent performance. However, the computational requirements of the transformer architecture makes training these methods slow and resource heavy. In this paper, we introduce a new token pruning strategy that significantly decreases training and inference times without sacrificing performance, striking a balance between accuracy and speed. We have applied this pruning technique to our own end-to-end transformer-based scene text understanding architecture. Our method uses a separate detection branch to guide the pruning of uninformative image features, which significantly reduces the number of tokens at the input of the transformer. Experimental results show how our network is able to obtain competitive results on multiple public benchmarks while running at significantly higher speeds.
Keywords: Scene Text Detection; Scene Text Recognition; Transformer Acceleration