Palaiahnakote Shivakumara, Anjan Dutta, Trung Quy Phan, Chew Lim Tan, & Umapada Pal. (2011). A Novel Mutual Nearest Neighbor based Symmetry for Text Frame Classification in Video. PR - Pattern Recognition, 44(8), 1671–1683.
Abstract: In the field of multimedia retrieval in video, text frame classification is essential for text detection, event detection, event boundary detection, etc. We propose a new text frame classification method that introduces a combination of wavelet and median moment with k-means clustering to select probable text blocks among 16 equally sized blocks of a video frame. The same feature combination is used with a new Max–Min clustering at the pixel level to choose probable dominant text pixels in the selected probable text blocks. For the probable text pixels, a so-called mutual nearest neighbor based symmetry is explored with a four-quadrant formation centered at the centroid of the probable dominant text pixels to know whether a block is a true text block or not. If a frame produces at least one true text block then it is considered as a text frame otherwise it is a non-text frame. Experimental results on different text and non-text datasets including two public datasets and our own created data show that the proposed method gives promising results in terms of recall and precision at the block and frame levels. Further, we also show how existing text detection methods tend to misclassify non-text frames as text frames in term of recall and precision at both the block and frame levels.
Marçal Rusiñol, & Josep Llados. (2009). A Performance Evaluation Protocol for Symbol Spotting Systems in Terms of Recognition and Location Indices. IJDAR - International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 12(2), 83–96.
Abstract: Symbol spotting systems are intended to retrieve regions of interest from a document image database where the queried symbol is likely to be found. They shall have the ability to recognize and locate graphical symbols in a single step. In this paper, we present a set of measures to evaluate the performance of a symbol spotting system in terms of recognition abilities, location accuracy and scalability. We show that the proposed measures allow to determine the weaknesses and strengths of different methods. In particular we have tested a symbol spotting method based on a set of four different off-the-shelf shape descriptors.
Keywords: Performance evaluation; Symbol Spotting; Graphics Recognition
M. Visani, Oriol Ramos Terrades, & Salvatore Tabbone. (2011). A Protocol to Characterize the Descriptive Power and the Complementarity of Shape Descriptors. IJDAR - International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 14(1), 87–100.
Abstract: Most document analysis applications rely on the extraction of shape descriptors, which may be grouped into different categories, each category having its own advantages and drawbacks (O.R. Terrades et al. in Proceedings of ICDAR’07, pp. 227–231, 2007). In order to improve the richness of their description, many authors choose to combine multiple descriptors. Yet, most of the authors who propose a new descriptor content themselves with comparing its performance to the performance of a set of single state-of-the-art descriptors in a specific applicative context (e.g. symbol recognition, symbol spotting...). This results in a proliferation of the shape descriptors proposed in the literature. In this article, we propose an innovative protocol, the originality of which is to be as independent of the final application as possible and which relies on new quantitative and qualitative measures. We introduce two types of measures: while the measures of the first type are intended to characterize the descriptive power (in terms of uniqueness, distinctiveness and robustness towards noise) of a descriptor, the second type of measures characterizes the complementarity between multiple descriptors. Characterizing upstream the complementarity of shape descriptors is an alternative to the usual approach where the descriptors to be combined are selected by trial and error, considering the performance characteristics of the overall system. To illustrate the contribution of this protocol, we performed experimental studies using a set of descriptors and a set of symbols which are widely used by the community namely ART and SC descriptors and the GREC 2003 database.
Keywords: Document analysis; Shape descriptors; Symbol description; Performance characterization; Complementarity analysis
David Aldavert, Marçal Rusiñol, Ricardo Toledo, & Josep Llados. (2015). A Study of Bag-of-Visual-Words Representations for Handwritten Keyword Spotting. IJDAR - International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 18(3), 223–234.
Abstract: The Bag-of-Visual-Words (BoVW) framework has gained popularity among the document image analysis community, specifically as a representation of handwritten words for recognition or spotting purposes. Although in the computer vision field the BoVW method has been greatly improved, most of the approaches in the document image analysis domain still rely on the basic implementation of the BoVW method disregarding such latest refinements. In this paper, we present a review of those improvements and its application to the keyword spotting task. We thoroughly evaluate their impact against a baseline system in the well-known George Washington dataset and compare the obtained results against nine state-of-the-art keyword spotting methods. In addition, we also compare both the baseline and improved systems with the methods presented at the Handwritten Keyword Spotting Competition 2014.
Keywords: Bag-of-Visual-Words; Keyword spotting; Handwritten documents; Performance evaluation
Anjan Dutta, Josep Llados, & Umapada Pal. (2013). A symbol spotting approach in graphical documents by hashing serialized graphs. PR - Pattern Recognition, 46(3), 752–768.
Abstract: In this paper we propose a symbol spotting technique in graphical documents. Graphs are used to represent the documents and a (sub)graph matching technique is used to detect the symbols in them. We propose a graph serialization to reduce the usual computational complexity of graph matching. Serialization of graphs is performed by computing acyclic graph paths between each pair of connected nodes. Graph paths are one-dimensional structures of graphs which are less expensive in terms of computation. At the same time they enable robust localization even in the presence of noise and distortion. Indexing in large graph databases involves a computational burden as well. We propose a graph factorization approach to tackle this problem. Factorization is intended to create a unified indexed structure over the database of graphical documents. Once graph paths are extracted, the entire database of graphical documents is indexed in hash tables by locality sensitive hashing (LSH) of shape descriptors of the paths. The hashing data structure aims to execute an approximate k-NN search in a sub-linear time. We have performed detailed experiments with various datasets of line drawings and compared our method with the state-of-the-art works. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our technique.
Keywords: Symbol spotting; Graphics recognition; Graph matching; Graph serialization; Graph factorization; Graph paths; Hashing