Sophie Wuerger, Kaida Xiao, Dimitris Mylonas, Q. Huang, Dimosthenis Karatzas, & Galina Paramei. (2012). Blue green color categorization in mandarin english speakers. JOSA A - Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29(2), A102–A1207.
Abstract: Observers are faster to detect a target among a set of distracters if the targets and distracters come from different color categories. This cross-boundary advantage seems to be limited to the right visual field, which is consistent with the dominance of the left hemisphere for language processing [Gilbert et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 489 (2006)]. Here we study whether a similar visual field advantage is found in the color identification task in speakers of Mandarin, a language that uses a logographic system. Forty late Mandarin-English bilinguals performed a blue-green color categorization task, in a blocked design, in their first language (L1: Mandarin) or second language (L2: English). Eleven color singletons ranging from blue to green were presented for 160 ms, randomly in the left visual field (LVF) or right visual field (RVF). Color boundary and reaction times (RTs) at the color boundary were estimated in L1 and L2, for both visual fields. We found that the color boundary did not differ between the languages; RTs at the color boundary, however, were on average more than 100 ms shorter in the English compared to the Mandarin sessions, but only when the stimuli were presented in the RVF. The finding may be explained by the script nature of the two languages: Mandarin logographic characters are analyzed visuospatially in the right hemisphere, which conceivably facilitates identification of color presented to the LVF.
Yunchao Gong, Svetlana Lazebnik, Albert Gordo, & Florent Perronnin. (2012). Iterative quantization: A procrustean approach to learning binary codes for Large-Scale Image Retrieval. TPAMI - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(12), 2916–2929.
Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of learning similarity-preserving binary codes for efficient similarity search in large-scale image collections. We formulate this problem in terms of finding a rotation of zero-centered data so as to minimize the quantization error of mapping this data to the vertices of a zero-centered binary hypercube, and propose a simple and efficient alternating minimization algorithm to accomplish this task. This algorithm, dubbed iterative quantization (ITQ), has connections to multi-class spectral clustering and to the orthogonal Procrustes problem, and it can be used both with unsupervised data embeddings such as PCA and supervised embeddings such as canonical correlation analysis (CCA). The resulting binary codes significantly outperform several other state-of-the-art methods. We also show that further performance improvements can result from transforming the data with a nonlinear kernel mapping prior to PCA or CCA. Finally, we demonstrate an application of ITQ to learning binary attributes or “classemes” on the ImageNet dataset.
Josep Llados, Marçal Rusiñol, Alicia Fornes, David Fernandez, & Anjan Dutta. (2012). On the Influence of Word Representations for Handwritten Word Spotting in Historical Documents. IJPRAI - International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 26(5), 1263002–126027.
Abstract: 0,624 JCR
Word spotting is the process of retrieving all instances of a queried keyword from a digital library of document images. In this paper we evaluate the performance of different word descriptors to assess the advantages and disadvantages of statistical and structural models in a framework of query-by-example word spotting in historical documents. We compare four word representation models, namely sequence alignment using DTW as a baseline reference, a bag of visual words approach as statistical model, a pseudo-structural model based on a Loci features representation, and a structural approach where words are represented by graphs. The four approaches have been tested with two collections of historical data: the George Washington database and the marriage records from the Barcelona Cathedral. We experimentally demonstrate that statistical representations generally give a better performance, however it cannot be neglected that large descriptors are difficult to be implemented in a retrieval scenario where word spotting requires the indexation of data with million word images.
Keywords: Handwriting recognition; word spotting; historical documents; feature representation; shape descriptors Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0218001412630025
Alicia Fornes, Anjan Dutta, Albert Gordo, & Josep Llados. (2012). CVC-MUSCIMA: A Ground-Truth of Handwritten Music Score Images for Writer Identification and Staff Removal. IJDAR - International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 15(3), 243–251.
Abstract: 0,405JCR
The analysis of music scores has been an active research field in the last decades. However, there are no publicly available databases of handwritten music scores for the research community. In this paper we present the CVC-MUSCIMA database and ground-truth of handwritten music score images. The dataset consists of 1,000 music sheets written by 50 different musicians. It has been especially designed for writer identification and staff removal tasks. In addition to the description of the dataset, ground-truth, partitioning and evaluation metrics, we also provide some base-line results for easing the comparison between different approaches.
Keywords: Music scores; Handwritten documents; Writer identification; Staff removal; Performance evaluation; Graphics recognition; Ground truths
Partha Pratim Roy, Umapada Pal, Josep Llados, & Mathieu Nicolas Delalandre. (2012). Multi-oriented touching text character segmentation in graphical documents using dynamic programming. PR - Pattern Recognition, 45(5), 1972–1983.
Abstract: 2,292 JCR
The touching character segmentation problem becomes complex when touching strings are multi-oriented. Moreover in graphical documents sometimes characters in a single-touching string have different orientations. Segmentation of such complex touching is more challenging. In this paper, we present a scheme towards the segmentation of English multi-oriented touching strings into individual characters. When two or more characters touch, they generate a big cavity region in the background portion. Based on the convex hull information, at first, we use this background information to find some initial points for segmentation of a touching string into possible primitives (a primitive consists of a single character or part of a character). Next, the primitives are merged to get optimum segmentation. A dynamic programming algorithm is applied for this purpose using the total likelihood of characters as the objective function. A SVM classifier is used to find the likelihood of a character. To consider multi-oriented touching strings the features used in the SVM are invariant to character orientation. Experiments were performed in different databases of real and synthetic touching characters and the results show that the method is efficient in segmenting touching characters of arbitrary orientations and sizes.