Sergio Vera, Debora Gil, Antonio Lopez and Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester. 2012. Multilocal Creaseness Measure.
Abstract: This document describes the implementation using the Insight Toolkit of an algorithm for detecting creases (ridges and valleys) in N-dimensional images, based on the Local Structure Tensor of the image. In addition to the filter used to calculate the creaseness image, a filter for the computation of the structure tensor is also included in this submission.
Keywords: Ridges, Valley, Creaseness, Structure Tensor, Skeleton,
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J. Pladellorens, M.J. Yzuel, J. Castell and Joan Serrat. 1993. Calculo automatico del volumen del ventriculo izquierdo. Comparacion con expertos..
A. Pujol, Jordi Vitria, Felipe Lumbreras and Juan J. Villanueva. 2001. Topological principal component analysis for face encoding and recognition. PRL, 22(6-7), 769–776.
A.F. Sole, S. Ngan, G. Sapiro, X. Hu and Antonio Lopez. 2001. Anisotropic 2-D and 3-D Averaging of fMRI Signals. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2020(2), 86–93.
Daniel Ponsa, Robert Benavente, Felipe Lumbreras, Judit Martinez and Xavier Roca. 2003. Quality control of safety belts by machine vision inspection for real-time production. Optical Engineering (IF: 0.877), 42(4), 1114–1120.
A.F. Sole, Antonio Lopez and G. Sapiro. 2001. Crease Enhancement Diffusion. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 84(2): 241–248 (IF: 1.298).
Antonio Lopez, Ernest Valveny and Juan J. Villanueva. 2005. Real-time quality control of surgical material packaging by artificial vision. Assembly Automation, 25(3).