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Gabriel Villalonga and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Co-Training for On-Board Deep Object Detection. ACCESS, 194441–194456.
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Yi Xiao, Felipe Codevilla, Akhil Gurram, Onay Urfalioglu and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Multimodal end-to-end autonomous driving. TITS, 1–11.
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Sudeep Katakol, Basem Elbarashy, Luis Herranz, Joost Van de Weijer and Antonio Lopez. 2021. Distributed Learning and Inference with Compressed Images. TIP, 30, 3069–3083.
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Daniel Hernandez, Antonio Espinosa, David Vazquez, Antonio Lopez and Juan C. Moure. 2021. 3D Perception With Slanted Stixels on GPU. TPDS, 32(10), 2434–2447.
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Jose Luis Gomez, Gabriel Villalonga and Antonio Lopez. 2021. Co-Training for Deep Object Detection: Comparing Single-Modal and Multi-Modal Approaches. SENS, 21(9), 3185.
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Hannes Mueller, Andre Groeger, Jonathan Hersh, Andrea Matranga and Joan Serrat. 2021. Monitoring war destruction from space using machine learning. PNAS, 118(23), e2025400118.
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Javier Marin and Sergio Escalera. 2021. SSSGAN: Satellite Style and Structure Generative Adversarial Networks. Remote Sensing, 13(19), 3984.
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Idoia Ruiz and Joan Serrat. 2022. Hierarchical Novelty Detection for Traffic Sign Recognition. SENS, 22(12), 4389.
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Jose Luis Gomez, Gabriel Villalonga and Antonio Lopez. 2023. Co-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation Models. SENS, 23(2), 621.
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Gemma Rotger, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Felipe Lumbreras and Antonio Agudo. 2019. Detailed 3D face reconstruction from a single RGB image.
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