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Jose Manuel Alvarez, Theo Gevers and Antonio Lopez. 2010. Learning photometric invariance for object detection. IJCV, 90(1), 45–61.
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Jose Manuel Alvarez and Antonio Lopez. 2011. Road Detection Based on Illuminant Invariance. TITS, 12(1), 184–193.
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Jaume Amores and Petia Radeva. 2005. Retrieval of IVUS Images Using Contextual Information and Elastic Matching.
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Jaume Amores and Petia Radeva. 2005. Registration and Retrieval of Highly Elastic Bodies using Contextual Information. PRL, 26(11), 1720–1731.
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Jaume Amores, N. Sebe and Petia Radeva. 2006. Boosting the distance estimation: Application to the K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier. PRL, 27(3), 201–209.
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Jaume Amores, N. Sebe and Petia Radeva. 2007. Context-Based Object-Class Recognition and Retrieval by Generalized Correlograms.
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Hugo Berti, Angel Sappa and Osvaldo Agamennoni. 2008. Improved Dynamic Window Approach by Using Lyapunov Stability Criteria.
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Fadi Dornaika and Angel Sappa. 2007. Rigid and Non-rigid Face Motion Tracking by Aligning Texture Maps and Stereo 3D Models. PRL, 28(15), 2116–2126.
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Fadi Dornaika and Angel Sappa. 2008. Evaluation of an Appearance-based 3D Face Tracker using Dense 3D Data.
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Fadi Dornaika and Angel Sappa. 2009. Instantaneous 3D motion from image derivatives using the Least Trimmed Square Regression. PRL, 30(5), 535–543.
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