Guillermo Torres, Jan Rodríguez Dueñas, Sonia Baeza, Antoni Rosell, Carles Sanchez, & Debora Gil. (2023). "Prediction of Malignancy in Lung Cancer using several strategies for the fusion of Multi-Channel Pyradiomics Images " In 7th Workshop on Digital Image Processing for Medical and Automotive Industry in the framework of SYNASC 2023.
Abstract: This study shows the generation process and the subsequent study of the representation space obtained by extracting GLCM texture features from computer-aided tomography (CT) scans of pulmonary nodules (PN). For this, data from 92 patients from the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital were used. The workflow focuses on feature extraction using Pyradiomics and the VGG16 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The aim of the study is to assess whether the data obtained have a positive impact on the diagnosis of lung cancer (LC). To design a machine learning (ML) model training method that allows generalization, we train SVM and neural network (NN) models, evaluating diagnosis performance using metrics defined at slice and nodule level.
Guillermo Torres, Debora Gil, Antoni Rosell, S. Mena, & Carles Sanchez. (2023)." Virtual Radiomics Biopsy for the Histological Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules" In 37th International Congress and Exhibition is organized by Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
Sonia Baeza, Debora Gil, Carles Sanchez, Guillermo Torres, Ignasi Garcia Olive, Ignasi Guasch, et al. (2023)." Biopsia virtual radiomica para el diagnóstico histológico de nódulos pulmonares – Resultados intermedios del proyecto Radiolung" In SEPAR.
Debora Gil, Guillermo Torres, & Carles Sanchez. (2023)." Transforming radiomic features into radiological words" In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.
Pau Cano, Debora Gil, & Eva Musulen. (2023)." Towards automatic detection of helicobacter pylori in histological samples of gastric tissue" In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.
Guillermo Torres, Debora Gil, Antonio Rosell, Sonia Baeza, & Carles Sanchez. (2023)." A radiomic biopsy for virtual histology of pulmonary nodules" In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.
Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Petia Radeva, Antonio Tovar, & Debora Gil. (2006). "Vessel structures alignment by spectral analysis of ivus sequences " In Proc. of CVII, MICCAI Workshop (pp. 39–36). 1st International Wokshop on Computer Vision for Intravascular and Intracardiac Imaging (CVII’06). Copenhaguen (Denmark),.
Abstract: Three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) allows to visualize and obtain volumetric measurements of coronary lesions through an exploration of the cross sections and longitudinal views of arteries. However, the visualization and subsequent morpho-geometric measurements in IVUS longitudinal cuts are subject to distortion caused by periodic image/vessel motion around the IVUS catheter. Usually, to overcome the image motion artifact ECG-gating and image-gated approaches are proposed, leading to slowing the pullback acquisition or disregarding part of IVUS data. In this paper, we argue that the image motion is due to 3-D vessel geometry as well as cardiac dynamics, and propose a dynamic model based on the tracking of an elliptical vessel approximation to recover the rigid transformation and align IVUS images without loosing any IVUS data. We report an extensive validation with synthetic simulated data and in vivo IVUS sequences of 30 patients achieving an average reduction of the image artifact of 97% in synthetic data and 79% in real-data. Our study shows that IVUS alignment improves longitudinal analysis of the IVUS data and is a necessary step towards accurate reconstruction and volumetric measurements of 3-D IVUS.
Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Debora Gil, David Roche, Monica M. S. Matsumoto, & Sergio S. Furuie. (2011). "Inferring the Performance of Medical Imaging Algorithms " In Pedro Real, Daniel Diaz-Pernil, Helena Molina-Abril, Ainhoa Berciano, & Walter Kropatsch (Eds.), 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (Vol. 6854, pp. 520–528). L. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Abstract: Evaluation of the performance and limitations of medical imaging algorithms is essential to estimate their impact in social, economic or clinical aspects. However, validation of medical imaging techniques is a challenging task due to the variety of imaging and clinical problems involved, as well as, the difficulties for systematically extracting a reliable solely ground truth. Although specific validation protocols are reported in any medical imaging paper, there are still two major concerns: definition of standardized methodologies transversal to all problems and generalization of conclusions to the whole clinical data set.
We claim that both issues would be fully solved if we had a statistical model relating ground truth and the output of computational imaging techniques. Such a statistical model could conclude to what extent the algorithm behaves like the ground truth from the analysis of a sampling of the validation data set. We present a statistical inference framework reporting the agreement and describing the relationship of two quantities. We show its transversality by applying it to validation of two different tasks: contour segmentation and landmark correspondence.
Keywords: Validation, Statistical Inference, Medical Imaging Algorithms.
Patricia Marquez, Debora Gil, & Aura Hernandez-Sabate. (2012). "Error Analysis for Lucas-Kanade Based Schemes " In 9th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (Vol. 7324, pp. 184–191). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Abstract: Optical flow is a valuable tool for motion analysis in medical imaging sequences. A reliable application requires determining the accuracy of the computed optical flow. This is a main challenge given the absence of ground truth in medical sequences. This paper presents an error analysis of Lucas-Kanade schemes in terms of intrinsic design errors and numerical stability of the algorithm. Our analysis provides a confidence measure that is naturally correlated to the accuracy of the flow field. Our experiments show the higher predictive value of our confidence measure compared to existing measures.
Keywords: Optical flow, Confidence measure, Lucas-Kanade, Cardiac Magnetic Resonance