Records |
Links |
Author |
Enric Marti; Jaume Rocarias; Ricardo Toledo; Aura Hernandez-Sabate |

Title |
Caronte: plataforma Moodle con gestion flexible de grupos. Primeras experiencias en asignaturas de Ingenieria Informatica |
Type |
Miscellaneous |
Year |
2009 |
Publication |
15th Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informatica |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
461–468 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
En este artículo se presenta Caronte, entorno LMS (Learning Management System) basado en Moodle. Una característica importante del entorno es la gestión flexible de grupos en una asignatura. Entendemos por grupo un conjunto de alumnos que realizan un trabajo y uno de ellos entrega la actividad propuesta (práctica, encuesta, etc.) en representación del grupo. Hemos trabajado en la confección de estos grupos, implementando un sistema de inscripción por contraseña.
Caronte ofrece un conjunto de actividades basadas en este concepto de grupo: encuestas, tareas (entrega de trabajos o prácticas), encuestas de autoevaluación y cuestionarios, entre otras.
Basada en nuestra actividad de encuesta, hemos definido una actividad de Control, que permite un cierto feedback electrónico del profesor sobre la actividad de los alumnos.
Finalmente, se presenta un resumen de las experiencias de uso de Caronte sobre asignaturas de Ingeniería Informática en el curso 2007-08. |
Address |
Barcelona, Spain |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
978-84-692-2758-9 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ MRT2009 |
Serial |
1202 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Joel Barajas; Jaume Garcia; Karla Lizbeth Caballero; Francesc Carreras; Sandra Pujades; Petia Radeva |

Title |
Correction of Misalignment Artifacts Among 2-D Cardiac MR Images in 3-D Space |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2006 |
Publication |
1st International Wokshop on Computer Vision for Intravascular and Intracardiac Imaging (CVII’06) |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
3217 |
Issue |
Pages |
114-121 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance images offer the opportunity to study the heart in detail. One of the main issues in its modelling is to create an accurate 3-D reconstruction of the left ventricle from 2-D views. A first step to achieve this goal is the correct registration among the different image planes due to patient movements. In this article, we present an accurate method to correct displacement artifacts using the Normalized Mutual Information. Here, the image views are treated as planes in order to diminish the approximation error caused by the association of a certain thickness, and moved simultaneously to avoid any kind of bias in the alignment process. This method has been validated using real and syntectic plane displacements, yielding promising results. |
Address |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Copenhagen (Denmark) |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
978-3-540-22977-3 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ BGC2006 |
Serial |
1485 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Jaume Garcia; Petia Radeva; Francesc Carreras |

Title |
Combining Spectral and Active Shape methods to Track Tagged MRI |
Type |
Book Chapter |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research and Development |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
37-44 |
Keywords |
MR; tagged MR; ASM; LV segmentation; motion estimation. |
Abstract |
Tagged magnetic resonance is a very usefull and unique tool that provides a complete local and global knowledge of the left ventricle (LV) motion. In this article we introduce a method capable of tracking and segmenting the LV. Spectral methods are applied in order to obtain the so called HARP images which encode information about movement and are the base for LV point-tracking. For segmentation we use Active Shapes (ASM) that model LV shape variation in order to overcome possible local misplacements of the boundary. We finally show experiments on both synthetic and real data which appear to be very promising. |
Address |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
IOS Press |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ GRC2004 |
Serial |
1488 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
J.L.Bruguera; R.Casado; M.Martinez; I.Corral; Enric Marti; L.A.Branda |

Title |
El apoyo institucional como elemento favorecedor de la coordinación docente: experiencias en diferentes universidades |
Type |
Miscellaneous |
Year |
2009 |
Publication |
Revista Red-U |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Address |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ BCM2009 |
Serial |
1490 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Cristina Cañero; Petia Radeva; Oriol Pujol; Ricardo Toledo; Debora Gil; J. Saludes; Juan J. Villanueva; B. Garcia del Blanco; J. Mauri; E. Fernandez-Nofrerias; J.A. Gomez-Hospital; E. Iraculis; J. Comin; C. Quiles; F. Jara; A. Cequier; E. Esplugas |

Title |
Optimal Stent Implantation: Three-dimensional Evaluation of the Mutual Position of Stent and Vessel via Intracoronary Ecography |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
1999 |
Publication |
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer in Cardiology (CIC´99) |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
Keywords |
Abstract |
We present a new automatic technique to visualize and quantify the mutual position between the stent and the vessel wall by considering their three-dimensional reconstruction. Two deformable generalized cylinders adapt to the image features in all IVUS planes corresponding to the vessel wall and the stent in order to reconstruct the boundaries of the stent and the vessel in space. The image features that characterize the stent and the vessel wall are determined in terms of edge and ridge image detectors taking into account the gray level of the image pixels. We show that the 30 reconstruction by deformable cylinders is accurate and robust due to the spatial data coherence in the considered volumetric IVUS image. The main clinic utility of the stent and vessel reconstruction by deformable’ cylinders consists of its possibility to visualize and to assess the optimal stent introduction. |
Address |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ CRP1999a |
Serial |
1491 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Cristina Cañero; Petia Radeva; Oriol Pujol; Ricardo Toledo; Debora Gil; J. Saludes; Juan J. Villanueva; B. Garcia del Blanco; J. Mauri; Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias; J.A. Gomez-Hospital; E. Iraculis; J. Comin; C. Quiles; F. Jara; A. Cequier; E.Esplugas |

Title |
Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantification of the coronary tree using intravascular ultrasound images |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
1999 |
Publication |
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer in Cardiology (CIC´99) |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
Keywords |
Abstract |
In this paper we propose a new Computer Vision technique to reconstruct the vascular wall in space using a deformable model-based technique and compounding methods, based in biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasound data jicsion. It is also proposed a generalpurpose three-dimensional guided interpolation method. The three dimensional centerline of the vessel is reconstructed from geometrically corrected biplane angiographies using automatic segmentation methods and snakes. The IVUS image planes are located in the threedimensional space and correctly oriented. A led interpolation method based in B-SurJaces and snakes isused to fill the gaps among image planes |
Address |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
CINC99 |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ CRP1999b |
Serial |
1492 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Debora Gil; Jordi Gonzalez; Gemma Sanchez (eds) |

Title |
Computer Vision: Advances in Research and Development |
Type |
Book Whole |
Year |
2007 |
Publication |
Proceedings of the 2nd CVC International Workshop |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Address |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Bellaterra (Spain) |
Editor |
Debora Gil; Jordi Gonzalez; Gemma Sanchez |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
2 |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
978-84-935251-4-9 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ GGS2007 |
Serial |
1493 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Enric Marti; Jordi Regincos; Jaime Lopez-Krahe; Juan J.Villanueva |

Title |
A system for interpretation of hand line drawings as three-dimensional scene for CAD input |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
1991 |
Publication |
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
472-480 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Address |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ Mar1991 |
Serial |
1494 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
G.Estape; Enric Marti |

Title |
L’ús d’aplicacions de visualització 3D com a eina d’aprenenetatge en activitats formatives dirigides i autònomes: el cas del programa Bluestar |
Type |
Miscellaneous |
Year |
2008 |
Publication |
V Jornades d’Innovació Docent UAB |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Address |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ ESM2008 |
Serial |
1495 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Francesc Carreras; Jaume Garcia; Debora Gil; Sandra Pujadas; Chi ho Lion; R.Suarez-Arias; R.Leta; Xavier Alomar; Manuel Ballester; Guillem Pons-Llados |

Title |
Left ventricular torsion and longitudinal shortening: two fundamental components of myocardial mechanics assessed by tagged cine-MRI in normal subjects |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2012 |
Publication |
International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
28 |
Issue |
2 |
Pages |
273-284 |
Keywords |
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); Tagging MRI; Cardiac mechanics; Ventricular torsion |
Abstract |
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (Cardiac MRI) has become a gold standard diagnostic technique for the assessment of cardiac mechanics, allowing the non-invasive calculation of left ventric- ular long axis longitudinal shortening (LVLS) and absolute myocardial torsion (AMT) between basal and apical left ventricular slices, a movement directly related to the helicoidal anatomic disposition of the myocardial fibers. The aim of this study is to determine AMT and LVLS behaviour and normal values from a group of healthy subjects. A group of 21 healthy volunteers (15 males) (age: 23–55 y.o., mean:30.7 ± 7.5) were prospectively included in an obser- vational study by Cardiac MRI. Left ventricular rotation (degrees) was calculated by custom-made software (Harmonic Phase Flow) in consecutive LV short axis planes tagged cine-MRI sequences. AMT was determined from the difference between basal and apical planes LV rotations. LVLS (%) was determined from the LV longitudinal and horizontal axis cine-MRI images. All the 21 cases studied were interpretable, although in three cases the value of the LV apical rotation could not be determined. The mean rotation of the basal and apical planes at end-systole were -3.71° ± 0.84° and 6.73° ± 1.69° (n:18) respectively, resulting in a LV mean AMT of 10.48° ± 1.63° (n:18). End-systolic mean LVLS was 19.07 ± 2.71%. Cardiac MRI allows for the calculation of AMT and LVLS, fundamental functional components of the ventricular twist mechanics conditioned, in turn, by the anatomical helical layout of the myocardial fibers. These values provide complementary information about systolic ventricular function in relation to the traditional parameters used in daily practice. |
Address |
Corporate Author  |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer Netherlands |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1569-5794 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
IAM; |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
IAM @ iam @ CGG2012 |
Serial |
1496 |
Permanent link to this record |