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Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Thierry Brouard, Jean-Yves Ramel and Josep Llados. 2010. Vers une approche foue of encapsulation de graphes: application a la reconnaissance de symboles. Colloque International Francophone sur l'Écrit et le Document.169–184.
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Albert Gordo, Alicia Fornes, Ernest Valveny and Josep Llados. 2010. A Bag of Notes Approach to Writer Identification in Old Handwritten Music Scores. 9th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems.247–254.
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Alicia Fornes and Josep Llados. 2010. A Symbol-dependent Writer Identifcation Approach in Old Handwritten Music Scores. 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition.634–639.
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Joan Mas. 2010. A Syntactic Pattern Recognition Approach based on a Distribution Tolerant Adjacency Grammar and a Spatial Indexed Parser. Application to Sketched Document Recognition. (Ph.D. thesis, Ediciones Graficas Rey.)
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Anjan Dutta. 2010. Symbol Spotting in Graphical Documents by Serialized Subgraph Matching. (Master's thesis, .)
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David Fernandez. 2010. Handwritten Word Spotting in Old Manuscript Images using Shape Descriptors. (Master's thesis, .)
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Jaume Gibert and Ernest Valveny. 2010. Graph Embedding based on Nodes Attributes Representatives and a Graph of Words Representation. In In E.R. Hancock, R.C.W., T. Windeatt, I. Ulusoy and F. Escolano,, ed. 13th International worshop on structural and syntactic pattern recognition and 8th international worshop on statistical pattern recognition. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 223–232. (LNCS.)
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Anjan Dutta, Umapada Pal, Alicia Fornes and Josep Llados. 2010. An Efficient Staff Removal Technique from Printed Musical Documents. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.1965–1968.
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Alicia Fornes, Sergio Escalera, Josep Llados and Ernest Valveny. 2010. Symbol Classification using Dynamic Aligned Shape Descriptor. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.1957–1960.
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Albert Gordo, Jaume Gibert, Ernest Valveny and Marçal Rusiñol. 2010. A Kernel-based Approach to Document Retrieval. 9th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems.377–384.
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