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Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, Debora Gil, Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias, H. Tizon, S. Montserrat, Vicente del Valle, et al. (2007)." Caracterització de la Perfusió Miocàrdica mitjançant anàlisi estadístic de l espectre en l angiografia de contrast" In XIX Congrés de la Societat Catalana de Cardiologia de Barcelona (130). Barcelona (Spain).
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Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias, J. Mauri, Vicente del Valle, Debora Gil, A.Barrios, et al. (2006)." Perfusion ratio: A new tool to objectively assess microcirculation perfusion after primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention" In World Congress of Cardiology (859). Barcelona (Spain).
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Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, J. Mauri, Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias, Vicente de Valle, E. Garcia, A. Barrios, et al. (2006)." Analysis of the changes in angiography local grey-level values to determine myocardial perfusion" In World Congress of Cardiology (862). Barcelona (Spain).
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F. Javier Sanchez, Jordi Vitria, & Enric Marti. (1991)." Transformaciones Morfológicas de Polígonos Isotéticos" In Primer Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica..
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Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados, & Enric Marti. (1997)." Segmentation and analysis of linial texture in plans" In Actes de la conférence Artificielle et Complexité.. Paris.
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Gemma Sanchez, Ernest Valveny, Josep Llados, Enric Marti, Oriol Ramos Terrades, N.Lozano, et al. (2003)." A system for virtual prototyping of architectural projects" In Proceedings of Fifth IAPR International Workshop on Pattern Recognition (pp. 65–74).
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Joan Serrat, & Enric Marti. (1991)." Elastic matching using interpolation splines" In IV Spanish Symposium of Pattern Recognition and image Analysis.
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Ernest Valveny, & Enric Marti. (2001). "Learning of structural descriptions of graphic symbols using deformable template matching " In Proc. Sixth Int Document Analysis and Recognition Conf (pp. 455–459).
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Ernest Valveny, & Enric Marti. (2000). "Hand-drawn symbol recognition in graphic documents using deformable template matching and a Bayesian framework " In Proc. 15th Int Pattern Recognition Conf (Vol. 2, pp. 239–242).
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Ernest Valveny, & Enric Marti. (1999). "Application of deformable template matching to symbol recognition in hand-written architectural draw " In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on. Bangalore (India).
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