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Oscar Lopes, Miguel Reyes, Sergio Escalera, & Jordi Gonzalez. (2014). Spherical Blurred Shape Model for 3-D Object and Pose Recognition: Quantitative Analysis and HCI Applications in Smart Environments. TSMCB - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part B), 44(12), 2379–2390.
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Jon Almazan, Albert Gordo, Alicia Fornes, & Ernest Valveny. (2014). Word Spotting and Recognition with Embedded Attributes. TPAMI - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 36(12), 2552–2566.
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Jon Almazan, Albert Gordo, Alicia Fornes, & Ernest Valveny. (2014). Segmentation-free Word Spotting with Exemplar SVMs. PR - Pattern Recognition, 47(12), 3967–3978.
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Svebor Karaman, Giuseppe Lisanti, Andrew Bagdanov, & Alberto del Bimbo. (2014). Leveraging local neighborhood topology for large scale person re-identification. PR - Pattern Recognition, 47(12), 3767–3778.
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Francisco Blanco, Felipe Lumbreras, Joan Serrat, Roswitha Siener, Silvia Serranti, Giuseppe Bonifazi, et al. (2014). Taking advantage of Hyperspectral Imaging classification of urinary stones against conventional IR Spectroscopy. JBiO - Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(12), 126004–1 - 126004–9.
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Joan Marc Llargues Asensio, Juan Peralta, Raul Arrabales, Manuel Gonzalez Bedia, Paulo Cortez, & Antonio Lopez. (2014). Artificial Intelligence Approaches for the Generation and Assessment of Believable Human-Like Behaviour in Virtual Characters. EXSY - Expert Systems With Applications, 41(16), 7281–7290.
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Laura Igual, Xavier Perez Sala, Sergio Escalera, Cecilio Angulo, & Fernando De la Torre. (2014). Continuous Generalized Procrustes Analysis. PR - Pattern Recognition, 47(2), 659–671.
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Miguel Angel Bautista, Sergio Escalera, & Oriol Pujol. (2014). On the Design of an ECOC-Compliant Genetic Algorithm. PR - Pattern Recognition, 47(2), 865–884.
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Simone Balocco, Carlo Gatta, Francesco Ciompi, A. Wahle, Petia Radeva, S. Carlier, et al. (2014). Standardized evaluation methodology and reference database for evaluating IVUS image segmentation. CMIG - Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 38(2), 70–90.
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David Masip, Michael S. North, Alexander Todorov, & Daniel N. Osherson. (2014). Automated Prediction of Preferences Using Facial Expressions. Plos - PloS one, 9(2), e87434.
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Pedro Martins, Paulo Carvalho, & Carlo Gatta. (2014). Context-aware features and robust image representations. JVCIR - Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 25(2), 339–348.
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Pierluigi Casale, Oriol Pujol, & Petia Radeva. (2014). Approximate polytope ensemble for one-class classification. PR - Pattern Recognition, 47(2), 854–864.
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P. Ricaurte, C. Chilan, Cristhian A. Aguilera-Carrasco, Boris X. Vintimilla, & Angel Sappa. (2014). Feature Point Descriptors: Infrared and Visible Spectra. SENS - Sensors, 14(2), 3690–3701.
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Jorge Bernal. (2014). Polyp Localization and Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images by Means of a Model of Appearance for Polyps. ELCVIA - Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, 13(2), 9–10.
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Ariel Amato. (2014). Moving cast shadow detection. ELCVIA - Electronic letters on computer vision and image analysis, 13(2), 70–71.
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