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Raquel Justo, Leila Ben Letaifa, Cristina Palmero, Eduardo Gonzalez-Fraile, Anna Torp Johansen, Alain Vazquez, et al. (2020). Analysis of the Interaction between Elderly People and a Simulated Virtual Coach, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. AIHC - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 11(12), 6125–6140.
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M. Li, Xialei Liu, Joost Van de Weijer, & Bogdan Raducanu. (2020). Learning to Rank for Active Learning: A Listwise Approach. In 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (pp. 5587–5594).
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Angel Morera, Angel Sanchez, A. Belen Moreno, Angel Sappa, & Jose F. Velez. (2020). SSD vs. YOLO for Detection of Outdoor Urban Advertising Panels under Multiple Variabilities. SENS - Sensors, 20(16), 4587.
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Klara Janousckova, Jiri Matas, Lluis Gomez, & Dimosthenis Karatzas. (2020). Text Recognition – Real World Data and Where to Find Them. In 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (pp. 4489–4496).
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Cristhian A. Aguilera-Carrasco, Cristhian Aguilera, Cristobal A. Navarro, & Angel Sappa. (2020). Fast CNN Stereo Depth Estimation through Embedded GPU Devices. SENS - Sensors, 20(11), 3249.
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Yaxing Wang, Luis Herranz, & Joost Van de Weijer. (2020). Mix and match networks: multi-domain alignment for unpaired image-to-image translation. IJCV - International Journal of Computer Vision, 128, 2849–2872.
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Yunan Li, Jun Wan, Qiguang Miao, Sergio Escalera, Huijuan Fang, Huizhou Chen, et al. (2020). CR-Net: A Deep Classification-Regression Network for Multimodal Apparent Personality Analysis. IJCV - International Journal of Computer Vision, 128, 2763–2780.
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Ana Garcia Rodriguez, Jorge Bernal, F. Javier Sanchez, Henry Cordova, Rodrigo Garces Duran, Cristina Rodriguez de Miguel, et al. (2020). Polyp fingerprint: automatic recognition of colorectal polyps’ unique features. SEND - Surgical Endoscopy and other Interventional Techniques, 34(4), 1887–1889.
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Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Lluis Albarracin, & F. Javier Sanchez. (2020). Graph-Based Problem Explorer: A Software Tool to Support Algorithm Design Learning While Solving the Salesperson Problem. MATH - Mathematics, 1595.
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Cesar de Souza, Adrien Gaidon, Yohann Cabon, Naila Murray, & Antonio Lopez. (2020). Generating Human Action Videos by Coupling 3D Game Engines and Probabilistic Graphical Models. IJCV - International Journal of Computer Vision, 128, 1505–1536.
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Estefania Talavera, Maria Leyva-Vallina, Md. Mostafa Kamal Sarker, Domenec Puig, Nicolai Petkov, & Petia Radeva. (2020). Hierarchical approach to classify food scenes in egocentric photo-streams. J-BHI - IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 24(3), 866–877.
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Albert Clapes, Julio C. S. Jacques Junior, Carla Morral, & Sergio Escalera. (2020). ChaLearn LAP 2020 Challenge on Identity-preserved Human Detection: Dataset and Results. In 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (pp. 801–808).
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Margarita Torre, Beatriz Remeseiro, Petia Radeva, & Fernando Martinez. (2020). DeepNEM: Deep Network Energy-Minimization for Agricultural Field Segmentation. JSTAEOR - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, 726–737.
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Anna Esposito, Terry Amorese, Nelson Maldonato, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Maria Ines Torres, Sergio Escalera, et al. (2020). Seniors’ ability to decode differently aged facial emotional expressions. In Faces and Gestures in E-health and welfare workshop (pp. 716–722).
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