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A. Martinez, & Jordi Vitria. (1996). Designing and Implementing Real Walking Agents using Virtual Environments. In Applications of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 105–114).
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A.Kesidis, & Dimosthenis Karatzas. (2014). Logo and Trademark Recognition. In D. Doermann, & K. Tombre (Eds.), Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition (Vol. D, pp. 591–646). Springer London.
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Abel Gonzalez-Garcia, Robert Benavente, Olivier Penacchio, Javier Vazquez, Maria Vanrell, & C. Alejandro Parraga. (2013). Coloresia: An Interactive Colour Perception Device for the Visually Impaired. In Multimodal Interaction in Image and Video Applications (Vol. 48, pp. 47–66). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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Agata Lapedriza, David Masip, & Jordi Vitria. (2005). The contribution of external features to face recognition. In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2005), LNCS 3523: 537–544.
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Agata Lapedriza, & Jordi Vitria. (2005). Experimental Study of the Usefulness of External Face Features for Face Classification. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, IOS Press, 99–106.
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Agnes Borras, & Josep Llados. (2007). Similarity-Based Object Retrieval Using Appearance and Geometric Feature Combination. In 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2007), J. Marti et al. (Eds.) LNCS 4477:113–120 (Vol. 4478, 33–39).
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Agnes Borras, & Josep Llados. (2005). Object Image Retrieval by Shape Content in Complex Scenes Using Geometric Constraints. In Pattern Recognition And Image Analysis (Vol. 3522, 325–332). Springer Link.
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Alicia Fornes, & Gemma Sanchez. (2014). Analysis and Recognition of Music Scores. In D. Doermann, & K. Tombre (Eds.), Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition (Vol. E, pp. 749–774). Springer London.
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Alicia Fornes, Josep Llados, & Gemma Sanchez. (2008). Old Handwritten Musical Symbol Classification by a Dynamic TimeWrapping Based Method. In J.M. Ogier J. L. W. Liu (Ed.), Graphics Recognition: Recent Advances and New Opportunities (Vol. 5046, 52–60). LNCS.
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Alicia Fornes, Josep Llados, & Gemma Sanchez. (2006). Primitive Segmentation in Old Handwritten Music Scores. In Graphics Recognition: Ten Years Review and Future Perspectives, W. Liu, J. Llados (Eds.), LNCS 3926: 288–299.
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Alicia Fornes, Josep Llados, Gemma Sanchez, & Horst Bunke. (2012). Writer Identification in Old Handwritten Music Scores. In Copnstantin Papaodysseus (Ed.), Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing in Archaeometry: Mathematical and Computational Solutions for Archaeology (pp. 27–63). IGI-Global.
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Alicia Fornes, Josep Llados, & Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora. (2020). Browsing of the Social Network of the Past: Information Extraction from Population Manuscript Images. In Handwritten Historical Document Analysis, Recognition, and Retrieval – State of the Art and Future Trends. World Scientific.
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Alicia Fornes, Sergio Escalera, Josep Llados, Gemma Sanchez, & Joan Mas. (2008). Hand Drawn Symbol Recognition by Blurred Shape Model Descriptor and a Multiclass Classifier. In J.M. Ogier J. L. W. Liu (Ed.), Graphics Recognition: Recent Advances and New Opportunities (Vol. 5046, 30–40). LNCS.
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Alicia Fornes, Sergio Escalera, Josep Llados, Gemma Sanchez, Petia Radeva, & Oriol Pujol. (2007). Handwritten Symbol Recognition by a Boosted Blurred Shape Model with Error Correction. In 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2007), J. Marti et al. (Eds.) LNCS 4477:13–21.
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Alicia Fornes, V.C.Kieu, M. Visani, N.Journet, & Anjan Dutta. (2014). The ICDAR/GREC 2013 Music Scores Competition: Staff Removal. In B.Lamiroy, & J.-M. Ogier (Eds.), Graphics Recognition. Current Trends and Challenges (Vol. 8746, pp. 207–220). LNCS. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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