PT Chapter AU Fernando Vilariño Panagiota Spyridonos Jordi Vitria Carolina Malagelada Petia Radeva TI A Machine Learning framework using SOMs: Applications in the Intestinal Motility Assessment BT 11th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition PY 2006 BP 188–197 VL 4225 DI 10.1007/11892755_19 AB Small Bowel Motility Assessment by means of Wireless Capsule Video Endoscopy constitutes a novel clinical methodology in which a capsule with a micro-camera attached to it is swallowed by the patient, emitting a RF signal which is recorded as a video of its trip throughout the gut. In order to overcome the main drawbacks associated with this technique -mainly related to the large amount of visualization time required-, our efforts have been focused on the development of a machine learning system, built up in sequential stages, which provides the specialists with the useful part of the video, rejecting those parts not valid for analysis. We successfully used Self Organized Maps in a general semi-supervised framework with the aim of tackling the different learning stages of our system. The analysis of the diverse types of images and the automatic detection of intestinal contractions is performed under the perspective of intestinal motility assessment in a clinical environment. PI Berlin-Heidelberg ER