@Article{DeboraGil2004, author="Debora Gil and Petia Radeva", title="A Regularized Curvature Flow Designed for a Selective Shape Restoration", journal="IEEE Transactions on Image Processing", year="2004", volume="13", pages="1444--1458", optkeywords="Geometric flows", optkeywords="nonlinear filtering", optkeywords="shape recovery.", abstract="Among all filtering techniques, those based exclu- sively on image level sets (geometric flows) have proven to be the less sensitive to the nature of noise and the most contrast preserving. A common feature to existent curvature flows is that they penalize high curvature, regardless of the curve regularity. This constitutes a major drawback since curvature extreme values are standard descriptors of the contour geometry. We argue that an operator designed with shape recovery purposes should include a term penalizing irregularity in the curvature rather than its magnitude. To this purpose, we present a novel geometric flow that includes a function that measures the degree of local irregularity present in the curve. A main advantage is that it achieves non-trivial steady states representing a smooth model of level curves in a noisy image. Performance of our approach is compared to classical filtering techniques in terms of quality in the restored image/shape and asymptotic behavior. We empirically prove that our approach is the technique that achieves the best compromise between image quality and evolution stabilization.", optnote="IAM;MILAB", optnote="exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=491), last updated on Fri, 11 Nov 2016 12:17:30 +0100", doi="10.1109/TIP.2004.836181", file=":http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/files/GiR2004b.pdf:PDF" }