PT Unknown AU Alicia Fornes Asma Bensalah Cristina Carmona_Duarte Jialuo Chen Miguel A. Ferrer Andreas Fischer Josep Llados Cristina Martin Eloy Opisso Rejean Plamondon Anna Scius-Bertrand Josep Maria Tormos TI The RPM3D Project: 3D Kinematics for Remote Patient Monitoring BT Intertwining Graphonomics with Human Movements. 20th International Conference of the International Graphonomics Society, IGS 2022 PY 2022 BP 217 EP 226 VL 13424 DI 10.1007/978-3-031-19745-1_16 DE Healthcare applications; Kinematic; Theory of Rapid Human Movements; Human activity recognition; Stroke rehabilitation; 3D kinematics AB This project explores the feasibility of remote patient monitoring based on the analysis of 3D movements captured with smartwatches. We base our analysis on the Kinematic Theory of Rapid Human Movement. We have validated our research in a real case scenario for stroke rehabilitation at the Guttmann Institute ( (neurorehabilitation hospital), showing promising results. Our work could have a great impact in remote healthcare applications, improving the medical efficiency and reducing the healthcare costs. Future steps include more clinical validation, developing multi-modal analysis architectures (analysing data from sensors, images, audio, etc.), and exploring the application of our technology to monitor other neurodegenerative diseases. ER