@InProceedings{JialuoChen2021, author="Jialuo Chen and Mohamed Ali Souibgui and Alicia Fornes and Beata Megyesi", title="Unsupervised Alphabet Matching in Historical Encrypted Manuscript Images", booktitle="4th International Conference on Historical Cryptology", year="2021", pages="34--37", abstract="Historical ciphers contain a wide range ofsymbols from various symbol sets. Iden-tifying the cipher alphabet is a prerequi-site before decryption can take place andis a time-consuming process. In this workwe explore the use of image processing foridentifying the underlying alphabet in ci-pher images, and to compare alphabets be-tween ciphers. The experiments show thatciphers with similar alphabets can be suc-cessfully discovered through clustering.", optnote="DAG; 602.230; 600.140; 600.121", optnote="exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=3617), last updated on Mon, 24 Oct 2022 14:47:43 +0200", file=":http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/files/CSF2021.pdf:PDF" }