PT Unknown AU Fernando Vilariño Panagiota Spyridonos Jordi Vitria Fernando Azpiroz Petia Radeva TI Automatic Detection of Intestinal Juices in Wireless Capsule Video Endoscopy BT 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition PY 2006 BP 719 EP 722 VL 4 DI 10.1109/ICPR.2006.296 DE Clinical diagnosis; Endoscopes; Fluids and secretions; Gabor filters; Hospitals; Image sequence analysis; Intestines; Lighting; Shape; Visualization AB Wireless capsule video endoscopy is a novel and challenging clinical technique, whose major reported drawback relates to the high amount of time needed for video visualization. In this paper, we propose a method for the rejection of the parts of the video resulting not valid for analysis by means of automatic detection of intestinal juices. We applied Gabor filters for the characterization of the bubble-like shape of intestinal juices in fasting patients. Our method achieves a significant reduction in visualization time, with no relevant loss of valid frames. The proposed approach is easily extensible to other image analysis scenarios where the described pattern of bubbles can be found. ER