PT Chapter AU Henry Velesaca Patricia Suarez Dario Carpio Rafael E. Rivadeneira Angel Sanchez Angel Morera TI Video Analytics in Urban Environments: Challenges and Approaches BT ICT Applications for Smart Cities PY 2022 BP 101 EP 121 VL 224 DI 10.1007/978-3-031-06307-7_6 AB This chapter reviews state-of-the-art approaches generally present in the pipeline of video analytics on urban scenarios. A typical pipeline is used to cluster approaches in the literature, including image preprocessing, object detection, object classification, and object tracking modules. Then, a review of recent approaches for each module is given. Additionally, applications and datasets generally used for training and evaluating the performance of these approaches are included. This chapter does not pretend to be an exhaustive review of state-of-the-art video analytics in urban environments but rather an illustration of some of the different recent contributions. The chapter concludes by presenting current trends in video analytics in the urban scenario field. ER