PT Unknown AU Spencer Low Oliver Nina Angel Sappa Erik Blasch Nathan Inkawhich TI Multi-Modal Aerial View Object Classification Challenge Results – PBVS 2022 BT IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) PY 2022 BP 350 EP 358 DI 10.1109/CVPRW56347.2022.00050 AB This paper details the results and main findings of the second iteration of the Multi-modal Aerial View Object Classification (MAVOC) challenge. The primary goal of both MAVOC challenges is to inspire research into methods for building recognition models that utilize both synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and electro-optical (EO) imagery. Teams are encouraged to develop multi-modal approaches that incorporate complementary information from both domains. While the 2021 challenge showed a proof of concept that both modalities could be used together, the 2022 challenge focuses on the detailed multi-modal methods. The 2022 challenge uses the same UNIfied Coincident Optical and Radar for recognitioN (UNICORN) dataset and competition format that was used in 2021. Specifically, the challenge focuses on two tasks, (1) SAR classification and (2) SAR + EO classification. The bulk of this document is dedicated to discussing the top performing methods and describing their performance on our blind test set. Notably, all of the top ten teams outperform a Resnet-18 baseline. For SAR classification, the top team showed a 129% improvement over baseline and an 8% average improvement from the 2021 winner. The top team for SAR + EO classification shows a 165% improvement with a 32% average improvement over 2021. ER