PT Unknown AU Rafael E. Rivadeneira Angel Sappa Boris X. Vintimilla TI Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Thermal Images BT 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2022) PY 2022 BP 635 EP 642 VL 4 DE Thermal Images; Multi-view; Multi-frame; Super-Resolution; Deep Learning; Attention Block AB This paper proposes a novel CNN architecture for the multi-thermal image super-resolution problem. In the proposed scheme, the multi-images are synthetically generated by downsampling and slightly shifting the given image; noise is also added to each of these synthesized images. The proposed architecture uses twoattention blocks paths to extract high-frequency details taking advantage of the large information extracted from multiple images of the same scene. Experimental results are provided, showing the proposed scheme has overcome the state-of-the-art approaches. ER