PT Unknown AU Hugo Bertiche Meysam Madadi Sergio Escalera TI Deep Parametric Surfaces for 3D Outfit Reconstruction from Single View Image BT 16th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition PY 2021 BP 1 EP 8 DI 10.1109/FG52635.2021.9667017 AB We present a methodology to retrieve analytical surfaces parametrized as a neural network. Previous works on 3D reconstruction yield point clouds, voxelized objects or meshes. Instead, our approach yields 2-manifolds in the euclidean space through deep learning. To this end, we implement a novel formulation for fully connected layers as parametrized manifolds that allows continuous predictions with differential geometry. Based on this property we propose a novel smoothness loss. Results on CLOTH3D++ dataset show the possibility to infer different topologies and the benefits of the smoothness term based on differential geometry. ER