PT Unknown AU Armin Mehri Parichehr Behjati Ardakani Angel Sappa TI LiNet: A Lightweight Network for Image Super Resolution BT 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition PY 2021 BP 7196 EP 7202 DI 10.1109/ICPR48806.2021.9412823 AB This paper proposes a new lightweight network, LiNet, that enhancing technical efficiency in lightweight super resolution and operating approximately like very large and costly networks in terms of number of network parameters and operations. The proposed architecture allows the network to learn more abstract properties by avoiding low-level information via multiple links. LiNet introduces a Compact Dense Module, which contains set of inner and outer blocks, to efficiently extract meaningful information, to better leverage multi-level representations before upsampling stage, and to allow an efficient information and gradient flow within the network. Experiments on benchmark datasets show that the proposed LiNet achieves favorable performance against lightweight state-of-the-art methods. ER