PT Unknown AU Vincenzo Lomonaco Lorenzo Pellegrini Andrea Cossu Antonio Carta Gabriele Graffieti Tyler L. Hayes Matthias De Lange Marc Masana Jary Pomponi Gido van de Ven Martin Mundt Qi She Keiland Cooper Jeremy Forest Eden Belouadah Simone Calderara German I. Parisi Fabio Cuzzolin Andreas Tolias Simone Scardapane Luca Antiga Subutai Amhad Adrian Popescu Christopher Kanan Joost Van de Weijer Tinne Tuytelaars Davide Bacciu Davide Maltoni TI Avalanche: an End-to-End Library for Continual Learning BT 34th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops PY 2021 BP 3595 EP 3605 DI 10.1109/CVPRW53098.2021.00399 AB Learning continually from non-stationary data streams is a long-standing goal and a challenging problem in machine learning. Recently, we have witnessed a renewed and fast-growing interest in continual learning, especially within the deep learning community. However, algorithmic solutions are often difficult to re-implement, evaluate and port across different settings, where even results on standard benchmarks are hard to reproduce. In this work, we propose Avalanche, an open-source end-to-end library for continual learning research based on PyTorch. Avalanche is designed to provide a shared and collaborative codebase for fast prototyping, training, and reproducible evaluation of continual learning algorithms. ER