PT Unknown AU Zhengying Liu Zhen Xu Shangeth Rajaa Meysam Madadi Julio C. S. Jacques Junior Sergio Escalera Adrien Pavao Sebastien Treguer Wei-Wei Tu Isabelle Guyon TI Towards Automated Deep Learning: Analysis of the AutoDL challenge series 2019 BT Proceedings of Machine Learning Research PY 2020 BP 242 EP 252 VL 123 AB We present the design and results of recent competitions in Automated Deep Learning (AutoDL). In the AutoDL challenge series 2019, we organized 5 machine learning challenges: AutoCV, AutoCV2, AutoNLP, AutoSpeech and AutoDL. The first 4 challenges concern each a specific application domain, such as computer vision, natural language processing and speech recognition. At the time of March 2020, the last challenge AutoDL is still on-going and we only present its design. Some highlights of this work include: (1) a benchmark suite of baseline AutoML solutions, with emphasis on domains for which Deep Learning methods have had prior success (image, video, text, speech, etc); (2) a novel any-time learning framework, which opens doors for further theoretical consideration; (3) a repository of around 100 datasets (from all above domains) over half of which are released as public datasets to enable research on meta-learning; (4) analyses revealing that winning solutions generalize to new unseen datasets, validating progress towards universal AutoML solution; (5) open-sourcing of the challenge platform, the starting kit, the dataset formatting toolkit, and all winning solutions (All information available at {}). ER