PT Unknown AU Yaxing Wang Chenshen Wu Luis Herranz Joost Van de Weijer Abel Gonzalez-Garcia Bogdan Raducanu TI Transferring GANs: generating images from limited data BT 15th European Conference on Computer Vision PY 2018 BP 220 EP 236 VL 11210 DE Generative adversarial networks; Transfer learning; Domain adaptation; Image generation AB ransferring knowledge of pre-trained networks to new domains by means of fine-tuning is a widely used practice for applications based on discriminative models. To the best of our knowledge this practice has not been studied within the context of generative deep networks. Therefore, we study domain adaptation applied to image generation with generative adversarial networks. We evaluate several aspects of domain adaptation, including the impact of target domain size, the relative distance between source and target domain, and the initialization of conditional GANs. Our results show that using knowledge from pre-trained networks can shorten the convergence time and can significantly improve the quality of the generated images, especially when target data is limited. We show that these conclusions can also be drawn for conditional GANs even when the pre-trained model was trained without conditioning. Our results also suggest that density is more important than diversity and a dataset with one or few densely sampled classes is a better source model than more diverse datasets such as ImageNet or Places. ER