PT Unknown AU Marc Bolaños Petia Radeva TI Simultaneous Food Localization and Recognition BT 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition PY 2016 DI 10.1109/ICPR.2016.7900117 AB CoRR abs/1604.07953The development of automatic nutrition diaries, which would allow to keep track objectively of everything we eat, could enable a whole new world of possibilities for people concerned about their nutrition patterns. With this purpose, in this paper we propose the first method for simultaneous food localization and recognition. Our method is based on two main steps, which consist in, first, produce a food activation map on the input image (i.e. heat map of probabilities) for generating bounding boxes proposals and, second, recognize each of the food types or food-related objects present in each bounding box. We demonstrate that our proposal, compared to the most similar problem nowadays – object localization, is able to obtain high precision and reasonable recall levels with only a few bounding boxes. Furthermore, we show that it is applicable to both conventional and egocentric images. ER