PT Unknown AU Daniel Hernandez Antonio Espinosa David Vazquez Antonio Lopez Juan Carlos Moure TI GPU-accelerated real-time stixel computation BT IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision PY 2017 BP 1054 EP 1062 DI 10.1109/WACV.2017.122 DE Autonomous Driving; GPU; Stixel AB The Stixel World is a medium-level, compact representation of road scenes that abstracts millions of disparity pixels into hundreds or thousands of stixels. The goal of this work is to implement and evaluate a complete multi-stixel estimation pipeline on an embedded, energyefficient, GPU-accelerated device. This work presents a full GPU-accelerated implementation of stixel estimation that produces reliable results at 26 frames per second (real-time) on the Tegra X1 for disparity images of 1024×440 pixels and stixel widths of 5 pixels, and achieves more than 400 frames per second on a high-end Titan X GPU card. ER