PT Unknown AU Xavier Baro Jordi Gonzalez Junior Fabian Miguel Angel Bautista Marc Oliu Hugo Jair Escalante Isabelle Guyon Sergio Escalera TI ChaLearn Looking at People 2015 challenges: action spotting and cultural event recognition BT 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Worshops (CVPRW) PY 2015 BP 1 EP 9 DI 10.1109/CVPRW.2015.7301329 AB Following previous series on Looking at People (LAP) challenges [6, 5, 4], ChaLearn ran two competitions to be presented at CVPR 2015: action/interaction spotting and cultural event recognition in RGB data. We ran a second round on human activity recognition on RGB data sequences. In terms of cultural event recognition, tens of categories have to be recognized. This involves scene understanding and human analysis. This paper summarizes the two performed challenges and obtained results. Details of the ChaLearn LAP competitions can be found at ER