PT Unknown AU Xavier Perez Sala Fernando De la Torre Laura Igual Sergio Escalera Cecilio Angulo TI Subspace Procrustes Analysis BT ECCV Workshop on ChaLearn Looking at People PY 2014 BP 654 EP 668 VL 8925 DI 10.1007/978-3-319-16178-5_46 AB Procrustes Analysis (PA) has been a popular technique to align and build 2-D statistical models of shapes. Given a set of 2-D shapes PA is applied to remove rigid transformations. Then, a non-rigid 2-D model is computed by modeling (e.g., PCA) the residual. Although PA has been widely used, it has several limitations for modeling 2-D shapes: occluded landmarks and missing data can result in local minima solutions, and there is no guarantee that the 2-D shapes provide a uniform sampling of the 3-D space of rotations for the object. To address previous issues, this paper proposes Subspace PA (SPA). Given several instances of a 3-D object, SPA computes the mean and a 2-D subspace that can simultaneously model all rigid and non-rigid deformations of the 3-D object. We propose a discrete (DSPA) and continuous (CSPA) formulation for SPA, assuming that 3-D samples of an object are provided. DSPA extends the traditional PA, and produces unbiased 2-D models by uniformly sampling di erent views of the 3-D object. CSPA provides a continuous approach to uniformly sample the space of 3-D rotations, being more ecient in space and time. Experiments using SPA to learn 2-D models of bodies from motion capture data illustrate the bene ts of our approach. ER