PT Journal AU Marina Alberti Simone Balocco Xavier Carrillo J. Mauri Petia Radeva TI Automatic non-rigid temporal alignment of IVUS sequences: method and quantitative validation SO Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology JI UMB PY 2013 BP 1698-712 VL 39 IS 9 DI 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2013.03.005 DE Intravascular ultrasound; Dynamic time warping; Non-rigid alignment; Sequence matching; Partial overlapping strategy AB Clinical studies on atherosclerosis regression/progression performed by intravascular ultrasound analysis would benefit from accurate alignment of sequences of the same patient before and after clinical interventions and at follow-up. In this article, a methodology for automatic alignment of intravascular ultrasound sequences based on the dynamic time warping technique is proposed. The non-rigid alignment is adapted to the specific task by applying it to multidimensional signals describing the morphologic content of the vessel. Moreover, dynamic time warping is embedded into a framework comprising a strategy to address partial overlapping between acquisitions and a term that regularizes non-physiologic temporal compression/expansion of the sequences. Extensive validation is performed on both synthetic and in vivo data. The proposed method reaches alignment errors of approximately 0.43 mm for pairs of sequences acquired during the same intervention phase and 0.77 mm for pairs of sequences acquired at successive intervention stages. ER