PT Unknown AU David Fernandez Josep Llados Alicia Fornes R.Manmatha TI On Influence of Line Segmentation in Efficient Word Segmentation in Old Manuscripts BT 13th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition PY 2012 BP 763 EP 768 DI 10.1109/ICFHR.2012.247 DE document image processing; handwritten character recognition; history; image segmentation; Spanish document; historical document; line segmentation; old handwritten document; old manuscript; word segmentation; Bifurcation; Dynamic programming; Handwriting recognition; Measurement; Noise; Skeleton; Segmentation; document analysis; document and text processing; handwriting analysis; heuristics; path-finding AB he objective of this work is to show the importance of a good line segmentation to obtain better results in the segmentation of words of historical documents. We have used the approach developed by Manmatha and Rothfeder [1] to segment words in old handwritten documents. In their work the lines of the documents are extracted using projections. In this work, we have developed an approach to segment lines more efficiently. The new line segmentation algorithm tackles with skewed, touching and noisy lines, so it is significantly improves word segmentation. Experiments using Spanish documents from the Marriages Database of the Barcelona Cathedral show that this approach reduces the error rate by more than 20% ER