PT Unknown AU Onur Ferhat TI Eye-Tracking with Webcam-Based Setups: Implementation of a Real-Time System and an Analysis of Factors Affecting Performance PY 2012 DE Computer vision; eye-tracking; gaussian process; feature selection; optical flow AB In the recent years commercial eye-tracking hardware has become more common, with the introduction of new models from several brands that have better performance and easier setup procedures. A cause and at the same time a result of this phenomenon is the popularity of eye-tracking research directed at marketing, accessibility and usability, among others.One problem with these hardware components is scalability, because both the price and the necessary expertise to operate them makes it practically impossible in the large scale. In this work, we analyze the feasibility of a software eye-tracking system based on a single, ordinary webcam. Our aim is to discover the limits of such a system and to see whether it provides acceptable performances.The significance of this setup is that it is the most common setup found in consumer environments, off-the-shelf electronic devices such as laptops, mobile phones and tablet computers. As no special equipment such as infrared lights, mirrors or zoom lenses are used; setting up and calibrating the system is easier compared to other approaches using these components.Our work is based on the open source application Opengazer, which provides a good starting point for our contributions. We propose several improvements in order to push the system's performance further and make it feasible as a robust, real-time device. Then we carry out an elaborate experiment involving 18 human subjects and 4 different system setups. Finally, we give an analysis of the results and discuss the effects of setup changes, subject differences and modifications in the software. ER