PT Unknown AU Joan Arnedo-Moreno Agata Lapedriza TI Visualizing key authenticity: turning your face into your public key BT 6th China International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology PY 2010 BP 605 EP 618 AB Biometric information has become a technology complementary to cryptography, allowing to conveniently manage cryptographic data. Two important needs are ful lled: rst of all, making such data always readily available, and additionally, making its legitimate owner easily identi able. In this work we propose a signature system which integrates face recognition biometrics with and identity-based signature scheme, so the user's face e ectively becomes his public key and system ID. Thus, other users may verify messages using photos of the claimed sender, providing a reasonable trade-o between system security and usability, as well as a much more straightforward public key authenticity and distribution process. ER