PT Unknown AU Joost Van de Weijer Shida Beigpour TI The Dichromatic Reflection Model: Future Research Directions and Applications BT International Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications PY 2011 DE dblp AB The dichromatic reflection model (DRM) predicts that color distributions form a parallelogram in color space, whose shape is defined by the body reflectance and the illuminant color. In this paper we resume the assumptions which led to the DRM and shortly recall two of its main applications domains: color image segmentation and photometric invariant feature computation. After having introduced the model we discuss several limitations of the theory, especially those which are raised once working on real-world uncalibrated images. In addition, we summerize recent extensions of the model which allow to handle more complicated light interactions. Finally, we suggest some future research directions which would further extend its applicability. ER