PT Unknown AU Nataliya Shapovalova Wenjuan Gong Marco Pedersoli Xavier Roca Jordi Gonzalez TI On Importance of Interactions and Context in Human Action Recognition BT 5th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis PY 2011 BP 58 EP 66 VL 6669 DI 10.1007/978-3-642-21257-4_8 AB This paper is focused on the automatic recognition of human events in static images. Popular techniques use knowledge of the human pose for inferring the action, and the most recent approaches tend to combine pose information with either knowledge of the scene or of the objects with which the human interacts. Our approach makes a step forward in this direction by combining the human pose with the scene in which the human is placed, together with the spatial relationships between humans and objects. Based on standard, simple descriptors like HOG and SIFT, recognition performance is enhanced when these three types of knowledge are taken into account. Results obtained in the PASCAL 2010 Action Recognition Dataset demonstrate that our technique reaches state-of-the-art results using simple descriptors and classifiers. ER