PT Unknown AU Mario Rojas David Masip A. Todorov Jordi Vitria TI Automatic Point-based Facial Trait Judgments Evaluation BT 23rd IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition PY 2010 BP 2715–2720 DI 10.1109/CVPR.2010.5539993 AB Humans constantly evaluate the personalities of other people using their faces. Facial trait judgments have been studied in the psychological field, and have been determined to influence important social outcomes of our lives, such as elections outcomes and social relationships. Recent work on textual descriptions of faces has shown that trait judgments are highly correlated. Further, behavioral studies suggest that two orthogonal dimensions, valence and dominance, can describe the basis of the human judgments from faces. In this paper, we used a corpus of behavioral data of judgments on different trait dimensions to automatically learn a trait predictor from facial pixel images. We study whether trait evaluations performed by humans can be learned using machine learning classifiers, and used later in automatic evaluations of new facial images. The experiments performed using local point-based descriptors show promising results in the evaluation of the main traits. ER