PT Unknown AU Ricard Coll Alicia Fornes Josep Llados TI Graphological Analysis of Handwritten Text Documents for Human Resources Recruitment BT 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition PY 2009 BP 1081–1085 DI 10.1109/ICDAR.2009.213 AB The use of graphology in recruitment processes has become a popular tool in many human resources companies. This paper presents a model that links features from handwritten images to a number of personality characteristics used to measure applicant aptitudes for the job in a particular hiring scenario. In particular we propose a model of measuring active personality and leadership of the writer. Graphological features that define such a profile are measured in terms of document and script attributes like layout configuration, letter size, shape, slant and skew angle of lines, etc. After the extraction, data is classified using a neural network. An experimental framework with real samples has been constructed to illustrate the performance of the approach. ER