PT Journal AU Jordi Gonzalez Dani Rowe Javier Varona Xavier Roca TI Understanding Dynamic Scenes based on Human Sequence Evaluation SO Image and Vision Computing JI IMAVIS PY 2009 BP 1433–1444 VL 27 IS 10 DI 10.1016/j.imavis.2008.02.004 DE Image Sequence Evaluation; High-level processing of monitored scenes; Segmentation and tracking in complex scenes; Event recognition in dynamic scenes; Human motion understanding; Human behaviour interpretation; Natural-language text generation; Realistic demonstrators AB In this paper, a Cognitive Vision System (CVS) is presented, which explains the human behaviour of monitored scenes using natural-language texts. This cognitive analysis of human movements recorded in image sequences is here referred to as Human Sequence Evaluation (HSE) which defines a set of transformation modules involved in the automatic generation of semantic descriptions from pixel values. In essence, the trajectories of human agents are obtained to generate textual interpretations of their motion, and also to infer the conceptual relationships of each agent w.r.t. its environment. For this purpose, a human behaviour model based on Situation Graph Trees (SGTs) is considered, which permits both bottom-up (hypothesis generation) and top-down (hypothesis refinement) analysis of dynamic scenes. The resulting system prototype interprets different kinds of behaviour and reports textual descriptions in multiple languages. ER