PT Unknown AU Sergio Escalera Oriol Pujol Petia Radeva Jordi Vitria TI Measuring Interest of Human Dyadic Interactions BT 12th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence PY 2009 BP 45 EP 54 VL 202 DI 10.3233/978-1-60750-061-2-45 AB In this paper, we argue that only using behavioural motion information, we are able to predict the interest of observers when looking at face-to-face interactions. We propose a set of movement-related features from body, face, and mouth activity in order to define a set of higher level interaction features, such as stress, activity, speaking engagement, and corporal engagement. Error-Correcting Output Codes framework with an Adaboost base classifier is used to learn to rank the perceived observer's interest in face-to-face interactions. The automatic system shows good correlation between the automatic categorization results and the manual ranking made by the observers. In particular, the learning system shows that stress features have a high predictive power for ranking interest of observers when looking at of face-to-face interactions. ER