%0 Conference Proceedings %T A Feature-Based Gaze Estimation Algorithm for Natural Light Scenarios %A Onur Ferhat %A Arcadi Llanza %A Fernando Vilariño %B Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Proceedings of 7th Iberian Conference , ibPRIA 2015 %D 2015 %V 9117 %I Springer International Publishing %@ 0302-9743 %@ 978-3-319-19389-2 %F Onur Ferhat2015 %O MV;SIAI %O exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=2646), last updated on Thu, 12 May 2016 13:47:17 +0200 %X We present an eye tracking system that works with regular webcams. We base our work on open source CVC Eye Tracker [7] and we propose a number of improvements and a novel gaze estimation method. The new method uses features extracted from iris segmentation and it does not fall into the traditional categorization of appearance–based/model–based methods. Our experiments show that our approach reduces the gaze estimation errors by 34 % in the horizontal direction and by 12 % in the vertical direction compared to the baseline system. %K Eye tracking %K Gaze estimation %K Natural light %K Webcam %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19390-8_64 %P 569-576