%0 Journal Article %T Automatic Tumor Volume Segmentation in Whole-Body PET/CT Scans: A Supervised Learning Approach Source %A Frederic Sampedro %A Sergio Escalera %A Anna Domenech %A Ignasi Carrio %J Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics %D 2015 %V 5 %N 2 %F Frederic Sampedro2015 %O HuPBA;MILAB %O exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=2584), last updated on Thu, 17 Nov 2016 11:38:53 +0100 %X Whole-body 3D PET/CT tumoral volume segmentation provides relevant diagnostic and prognostic information in clinical oncology and nuclear medicine. Carrying out this procedure manually by a medical expert is time consuming and suffers from inter- and intra-observer variabilities. In this paper, a completely automatic approach to this task is presented. First, the problem is stated and described both in clinical and technological terms. Then, a novel supervised learning segmentation framework is introduced. The segmentation by learning approach is defined within a Cascade of Adaboost classifiers and a 3D contextual proposal of Multiscale Stacked Sequential Learning. Segmentation accuracy results on 200 Breast Cancer whole body PET/CT volumes show mean 49% sensitivity, 99.993% specificity and 39% Jaccard overlap Index, which represent good performance results both at the clinical and technological level. %K CONTEXTUAL CLASSIFICATION %K PET/CT %K SUPERVISED LEARNING %K TUMOR SEGMENTATION %K WHOLE BODY %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jmihi.2015.1374 %P 192-201