%0 Conference Proceedings %T Automatic Hand Detection in RGB-Depth Data Sequences %A Vitaliy Konovalov %A Albert Clapes %A Sergio Escalera %B 16th Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence %D 2013 %F Vitaliy Konovalov2013 %O HuPBA;MILAB %O exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=2323), last updated on Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:35:39 +0100 %X Detecting hands in multi-modal RGB-Depth visual data has become a challenging Computer Vision problem with several applications of interest. This task involves dealing with changes in illumination, viewpoint variations, the articulated nature of the human body, the high flexibility of the wrist articulation, and the deformability of the hand itself. In this work, we propose an accurate and efficient automatic hand detection scheme to be applied in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) applications in which the user is seated at the desk and, thus, only the upper body is visible. Our main hypothesis is that hand landmarks remain at a nearly constant geodesic distance from an automatically located anatomical reference point.In a given frame, the human body is segmented first in the depth image. Then, agraph representation of the body is built in which the geodesic paths are computed from the reference point. The dense optical flow vectors on the corresponding RGB image are used to reduce ambiguities of the geodesic paths’ connectivity, allowing to eliminate false edges interconnecting different body parts. Finally, we are able to detect the position of both hands based on invariant geodesic distances and optical flow within the body region, without involving costly learning procedures. %U http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/files/KCE2013.pdf %P 91-100