%0 Conference Proceedings %T Active labeling: Application to wireless endoscopy analysis %A Petia Radeva %A Michal Drozdzal %A Santiago Segui %A Laura Igual %A Carolina Malagelada %A Fernando Azpiroz %A Jordi Vitria %B High Performance Computing and Simulation, International Conference on %D 2012 %@ 978-1-4673-2359-8 %F Petia Radeva2012 %O MILAB; OR;MV %O exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=2152), last updated on Tue, 18 Oct 2016 13:19:57 +0200 %X Today, robust learners trained in a real supervised machine learning application should count with a rich collection of positive and negative examples. Although in many applications, it is not difficult to obtain huge amount of data, labeling those data can be a very expensive process, especially when dealing with data of high variability and complexity. A good example of such cases are data from medical imaging applications where annotating anomalies like tumors, polyps, atherosclerotic plaque or informative frames in wireless endoscopy need highly trained experts. Building a representative set of training data from medical videos (e.g. Wireless Capsule Endoscopy) means that thousands of frames to be labeled by an expert. It is quite normal that data in new videos come different and thus are not represented by the training set. In this paper, we review the main approaches on active learning and illustrate how active learning can help to reduce expert effort in constructing the training sets. We show that applying active learning criteria, the number of human interventions can be significantly reduced. The proposed system allows the annotation of informative/non-informative frames of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy video containing more than 30000 frames each one with less than 100 expert ”clicks”. %U http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/files/RDS2012.pdf %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/HPCSim.2012.6266908 %P 174-181